Play the Russian cases. Manual for beginners.
The book is designed for the beginners who study the case forms of the nouns. It will help the students to choose the correct case forms. The present game...
Prefixed verbs of movement in Russian: manual in the form of a game.
Verbs of motion
The theme Verbs of movement is one of the most difficult grammar themes in the Russian language. The present language...
A guide book provides support for students who choose to use this course as a self-study program. It has every instruction, explanation and recommendation written in English. It also contains the answer...
Proverb-Domino: a game for students learning Russian.
Manual on the development of the Russian speech.
The present manual is a proverb game to help the language learners to enrich their vocabulary...
Пособие адресовано преподавателям и будущим преподавателям РКИ, специалистам в области лингводидактики и всем интересующимся проблемами преподавания языков.
Teacher's Book is a part of Soroka 3: Russian for Kids course. It is a language course for beginners. There are two more books in Soroka 3 - Student's Book and Activity Book, and two more levels Soroka...
Книга для учителя - ваш помощник в изучении русского языка с помощью учебника "Сарафан".
Вы найдете здесь методические рекомендации, ответы на все задания, а также такие задания, которые ваши ученики...
Remember the Russian words by playing.
Research work of teachers and psychologists has proved that games increase the learning efficiency by fifteen or even twenty times. All kinds of speech activity...
Methodical workshop. Lesson examples for Russian as a foreign language
This teacher's book presents examples of practical lessons in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It is divided into six chapters:...
Soroka is a three-part beginner's course for children 7-9 years old learning Russian. Soroka makes learning Russian easy. Soroka teaches children through fun activities. Soroka gives children solid grounding...
Play with pronouns: Manual for beginners.
The present manual helps to classify the use of cases of the nouns in the Russian language. It is designed for the initial level learners of the Russian language....
I love Russian. 15 lessons for Elementary to Pre-Intermediate students
'I Love Russian A2" for Elementary to Pre-Intermediate students was created by Liden & Denz academic team to provide a coherent and...
I Love Russian A1" is a bright and up-to-date course book, intended for levels from complete beginners to A1+ according to CEFR (100-120 contact hours). It is created by Liden & Denz academic team in accordance...
We learn to teach: methodic book for teachers of Russian as a foreign language.
The book is dedicated to the main problems of the teaching methodology of Russian as a foreign language. It describes some...
Данное учебное пособие ориентировано на дистанционно-контактное, или смешанное, обучение учащихся. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц разных уровней владения русским языком (от А1 до B2), изучающих русский...
В книге, помимо традиционно указываемых формальных и фонетических индикаторов, рассматриваются не описанные ранее семантические и видовые характеристики, которые являются, по мнению автора, нетривиальными...
This language game in the form of lotto helps to memorize the common Russian vocabulary by playing. This game book is written for the beginners. It has no age limit. The book consists of twenty thematic...
Russian souvenir 2. Pre-Intermediate level. Teacher's guide. Incl. CD. The Student's book with audio CD, the Workbook and the Teacher's book with CD are sold separately.
Charts. cards. Pictures... iss. 7
Something like that: life in the pictures: methodical material for the course
31 charts, methodical description in Russian
Charts. cards. Pictures... iss. 3 Guess the word:
Try to guess the word! For studying Russian as a foreign languages
14 playing sets, 552 cards, methodical description in Russian
Level A2-B2
This edition is intended for Russian language teachers and contains tests - a tool for checking the language level of children and adolescents. The tests for bilingual children and for children learning...
We learn to teach Russian to children. 111 answers to parents' questions.
The book presents methods of teaching Russian to children living abroad and learning Russian with parents at home or at Sunday...
Умения читать и писать по-русски формируются у носителей языка достаточно рано, в основном в дошкольном возрасте. Тем не менее далеко не все говорящие по-русски представляют себе, как устроено русское...
Настоящее издание содержит системное представление содержания обучения / контроля на уровне В2 в области РКИ. В книге систематизированы дискурсивные практики современного российского общества, которые...
The present manual is designed for an independent work of pupils and it can also be used by teachers as an additional material to any basic Russian course.
This collection of games is intended for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, working with students of different forms of learning. The proposed game exercises are designed to help the teacher make...
Facial expression and the gesture system in the Russian speech.
The dictionary aims to serve the needs of those who want to learn more about how the Russians are communicating with each other, to get...
Книга для преподавателя является составной частью учебного комплекса "Русский язык сегодня. Элементарный уровень + (А1+)" и содержит методические рекомендации по работе с материалами уроков учебника и...
Reader on the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
This reading book contains a collection of texts by specialists who teach Russian as a foreign language. It also offers texts by specialists...