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  2. Barnfilmer
  3. Filmmanus
  4. Detstvo Bembi (Bambi)

Detstvo Bembi (Bambi)

Детство Бемби
Detstvo Bembi (Bambi)
Typ av medier
190/140/20 mm
Speltid - timmar:minuter
Spara till önskelista
A screen version of the first part of Felix Salten’s fairy tale “Bambi”. A lot of wonderful discoveries and dangerous adventures are in store for a young deer, Bambi, in the forest land. He will learn that the last year’s leaves are the best guard for the deer. That the blue path is for those who love wings, and the upper one is for squirrels. That fishes looking like smiles live in the river, that beautiful flowers can fly and the little raccoon lives a carefree life. The kind and bold little deer will make friends with an old tree and a wise owl, will make the snake’s long-cherished dream come true, will help a little hare find a new dad and…Well… about all this and many other no less interesting things you will know as you watch this wonderful forest tale!
A screen version of the first part of Felix Salten’s fairy tale “Bambi”. A lot of wonderful discoveries and dangerous adventures are in store for a young deer, Bambi, in the forest land. He will learn that the last year’s leaves are the best guard for the deer. That the blue path is for those who love wings, and the upper one is for squirrels. That fishes looking like smiles live in the river, that beautiful flowers can fly and the little raccoon lives a carefree life. The kind and bold little deer will make friends with an old tree and a wise owl, will make the snake’s long-cherished dream come true, will help a little hare find a new dad and…Well… about all this and many other no less interesting things you will know as you watch this wonderful forest tale!

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Bambin lapsuus.) Elokuvasovitus Felix Saltenin Bambi-sadun ensimmäisestä osasta. Nuorelle Bambi-kauriille tapahtuu paljon jännittäviä seikkailuja. Hän oppii, että edellisen vuoden lehdet tarjoavat parhaan suojan; että sininen polku on niille, jotka rakastavat siipiä ja ylempi oraville; että kauniit kukat osaavat lentää ja että pesukarhuilla on huoleton elämä. Kiltti ja rohkea kauris ystävystyy vanhan puun ja viisaan pöllön kanssa, tekee käärmeen unelmasta totta, auttaa pientä jänistä löytämään uuden isän, ja kokee monta muutakin seikkailua. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
A screen version of the first part of Felix Salten’s fairy tale “Bambi”. A lot of wonderful discoveries and dangerous adventures are in store for a young deer, Bambi, in the forest land. He will learn that the last year’s leaves are the best guard for the deer. That the blue path is for those who love wings, and the upper one is for squirrels. That fishes looking like smiles live in the river, that beautiful flowers can fly and the little raccoon lives a carefree life. The kind and bold little deer will make friends with an old tree and a wise owl, will make the snake’s long-cherished dream come true, will help a little hare find a new dad and…Well… about all this and many other no less interesting things you will know as you watch this wonderful forest tale!
C’est l’adaptation cinématographique de la première partie du conte de Felix Salten «Bamby». Le petit cerf Bamby aura à passer par nombre d’aventures et fera beaucoup de découvertes dans le pays plein de forêts. Il saura que les feuilles mortes c’est la meilleure protection pour les cerfs. Il verra que les oiseaux volent dans le ciel et les écureuils habitent sur les arbres, et que les poissons vivent dans l’eau. Bamby nouera l’amitié avec un vieil arbre et le sage hibou, et aidera le petit lapin à retrouver son papa … D’ailleurs, vous apprendrez encore beaucoup de choses intéressantes dans ce conte magnifique. De très belles images de la flore et de la faune des parcs nationaux de la Crimée (d’Asov-Sivach et « Gaya »), le sujet parfait et bien travaillé (le scénario est écrit par le célèbre écrivain Youri Nagubine et l’actrice Natalia Bondartchouk), de très beaux costumes de Slava Zaïtsev et le casting impeccable (les comédiens Inna Makarova, Lev Dourov, Nikolaï Bourliaev, les vedettes du ballet Мarice et Ilse Liepa, Gediminas Тarandа, les jeunes interprètes Vania Bourliaev et la plus célèbre fillette en URSS au début des années 80, Katia Lytcheva qui a relayé l’Américaine Samanta Smitch au poste d’ambassadrice de bonne volonté) sont les atouts principaux de ce film.
A screen version of the first part of Felix Salten’s fairy tale “Bambi”. A lot of wonderful discoveries and dangerous adventures are in store for a young deer, Bambi, in the forest land. He will learn that the last year’s leaves are the best guard for the deer. That the blue path is for those who love wings, and the upper one is for squirrels. That fishes looking like smiles live in the river, that beautiful flowers can fly and the little raccoon lives a carefree life. The kind and bold little deer will make friends with an old tree and a wise owl, will make the snake’s long-cherished dream come true, will help a little hare find a new dad and…Well… about all this and many other no less interesting things you will know as you watch this wonderful forest tale!
Экранизация первой части сказки Феликса Зальтена «Бемби». Много чудесных открытий и опасных приключений ждет олененка Бемби в лесной стране. Он узнает, что лучшая защита для оленей - прошлогодняя листва! Что голубая тропка – для тех, кто любит крылья, а верхняя – для белок! Что в речке живут рыбки, похожие на улыбки, прекрасные цветы могут летать, а крошка енот живет без забот! Добрый и храбрый олененок подружится со старым деревом и мудрым филином, выполнит давнюю мечту змеи, поможет зайчонку найти нового папу и … Впрочем, .. обо всем об этом и о многом другом, не менее интересном, вы узнаете, посмотрев эту замечательную лесную сказку! Изумительно снятые кадры природы и жизни зверей (животные Крымского, Азово-Сивашского заповедников, Национального парка «Гауя») – несомненные достоинства фильма, равно как и изящно выстроенный сюжет.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
Ekranizatsija pervoj chasti skazki Feliksa Zaltena «Bembi». Mnogo chudesnykh otkrytij i opasnykh prikljuchenij zhdet olenenka Bembi v lesnoj strane. On uznaet, chto luchshaja zaschita dlja olenej - proshlogodnjaja listva! Chto golubaja tropka – dlja tekh, kto ljubit krylja, a verkhnjaja – dlja belok! Chto v rechke zhivut rybki, pokhozhie na ulybki, prekrasnye tsvety mogut letat, a kroshka enot zhivet bez zabot! Dobryj i khrabryj olenenok podruzhitsja so starym derevom i mudrym filinom, vypolnit davnjuju mechtu zmei, pomozhet zajchonku najti novogo papu i … Vprochem, .. obo vsem ob etom i o mnogom drugom, ne menee interesnom, vy uznaete, posmotrev etu zamechatelnuju lesnuju skazku! Izumitelno snjatye kadry prirody i zhizni zverej (zhivotnye Krymskogo, Azovo-Sivashskogo zapovednikov, Natsionalnogo parka «Gauja») – nesomnennye dostoinstva filma, ravno kak i izjaschno vystroennyj sjuzhet.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.