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  3. Vasilij Shukshin: Favorites (3 DVD) Happy-go-lucky. Hell’s bells! Holidays of childhood

Vasilij Shukshin: Favorites (3 DVD) Happy-go-lucky. Hell’s bells! Holidays of childhood

Василий Шукшин: Избранное (3 DVD) Праздники детства. Печки-лавочки. Елки-палки
Holidays of childhood
Attention! This film have not subtitles!
This film is in 5. region You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.

Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece! A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow. The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story. QUOTES: “The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.” “My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this: bzzzz!” “A harlot in pants and in a hat!” “Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!” “He was running up and down, raising a stink.”

Hell’s bells!
Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Georgy Burkov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Galina Polskikh in a sad comedy by Sergey Nikonenko based on Vasily Shukshin’s short stories “Touches on the Portrait”, “The Stubborn One”, “The Strong Go Further”. Nikolai Knyazev works in a TV repair shop. God has blessed him with golden hands and heart, yet the majority of his fellow-town folk think he’s a bit nutty. And for a good reason: he’s constructing a perpetual motion machine, for years has been writing a philosophical treatise, dreaming of world fame and looking down on the other inhabitants of this sinful earth. But no matter how hard he is looking, he can’t see where his happiness (that is, post-office employee Lyuba) lies… Kolya Knyazev is a typical Shukshin weirdo with that characteristic for the writer’s heroes’ dream of changing the world and a stubborn search for the meaning of life. “Me-e-eaning!”, “What’s this all for? What for?”, “What’s happening to us?” – the questions Shukshin asked by his works were the same ones that he asked himself, as an artist and a citizen, and his readers and viewers. Will we, an audience of the next generation, be able to find answers to them?.. Quotes: “A glass in the morning, and you’re free for the rest of the day.” “I wince every time I remember it.” “Oh, hi, my friend! Lend me a ruble till the world’s end.”
Holidays of childhood
Attention! This film have not subtitles!
This film is in 5. region (5. maakoodi)

Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece! A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow. The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story. QUOTES: “The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.” “My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this: bzzzz!” “A harlot in pants and in a hat!” “Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!” “He was running up and down, raising a stink.”

Hell’s bells!
Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Georgy Burkov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Galina Polskikh in a sad comedy by Sergey Nikonenko based on Vasily Shukshin’s short stories “Touches on the Portrait”, “The Stubborn One”, “The Strong Go Further”. Nikolai Knyazev works in a TV repair shop. God has blessed him with golden hands and heart, yet the majority of his fellow-town folk think he’s a bit nutty. And for a good reason: he’s constructing a perpetual motion machine, for years has been writing a philosophical treatise, dreaming of world fame and looking down on the other inhabitants of this sinful earth. But no matter how hard he is looking, he can’t see where his happiness (that is, post-office employee Lyuba) lies… Kolya Knyazev is a typical Shukshin weirdo with that characteristic for the writer’s heroes’ dream of changing the world and a stubborn search for the meaning of life. “Me-e-eaning!”, “What’s this all for? What for?”, “What’s happening to us?” – the questions Shukshin asked by his works were the same ones that he asked himself, as an artist and a citizen, and his readers and viewers. Will we, an audience of the next generation, be able to find answers to them?.. Quotes: “A glass in the morning, and you’re free for the rest of the day.” “I wince every time I remember it.” “Oh, hi, my friend! Lend me a ruble till the world’s end.”
Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Праздники детства (Внимание! Этот фильм без субтитров!)
Внимание! Этот фильм записан в 5-м регионе
1981 г., 85 мин., СССР
Киностудия Им. М. Горького
Художественный кинофильм

Людмила Зайцева ("Говорит Москва"), Николай Михеев ("Шоколадный бунт"), Сергей Амосов, Оксана Захарова, Геннадий Воронин в фильме Рениты и Юрия Григорьевых "Праздники детства".
По мотивам ранних рассказов В.Шукшина. О детстве мальчика из далекого алтайского села, о его сестре и матери, об их драматической жизни в годы Второй мировой войны.
* Режиссеры:
Ренита Григорьева
Юрий Григорьев
* Творческий коллектив

Печки - лавочки
1972 г., 96 мин., СССР
Киностудия Им. М. Горького
Художественный кинофильм
Георгий Бурков ("Зимний вечер в Гаграх"), Зиновий Гердт ("Соломенная шляпка"), Лидия Федосеева-Шукшина ("Они сражались за Родину") в комедии Василия Шукшина ("Калина красная") "Печки - лавочки".
Простая, незамысловатая история... Муж и жена, самые что ни на есть деревенские жители, впервые отправляются на курорт, "к югу". Нам неторопливо показывают их сборы, проводы всей деревней, дорогу в поезде. И встречи, встречи... Этот трогательный и добрый фильм не стареет.
* Режиссер:
Василий Шукшин
* Творческий коллектив

Елки - Палки!..
1988 г., 85 мин., СССР
Киностудия Им. М. Горького
Художественный кинофильм
Галина Польских ("Гонки по вертикали"), Леонид Ярмольник ("Московские каникулы"), Леонид Куравлев ("Афоня"), Евгений Евстигнеев ("Виват, гардемарины!") в комедии Сергея Никоненко ("Корабль пришельцев") "Елки - Палки!..".
С виду герой фильма совершенно нормальный человек. Однако большинство земляков считают его слегка чокнутым. Еще бы: конструирует вечный двигатель, годами сочиняет философский трактат… Словом, витает в эмпиреях и глядит свысока на прочих обитателей грешной земли.
Глядит-глядит - а счастья-то своего не видит… Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Prazdniki detstva (Vnimanie! Etot film bez subtitrov!)
Vnimanie! Etot film zapisan v 5-m regione
1981 g., 85 min., SSSR
Kinostudija Im. M. Gorkogo
Khudozhestvennyj kinofilm

Ljudmila Zajtseva ("Govorit Moskva"), Nikolaj Mikheev ("Shokoladnyj bunt"), Sergej Amosov, Oksana Zakharova, Gennadij Voronin v filme Renity i Jurija Grigorevykh "Prazdniki detstva".
Po motivam rannikh rasskazov V.Shukshina. O detstve malchika iz dalekogo altajskogo sela, o ego sestre i materi, ob ikh dramaticheskoj zhizni v gody Vtoroj mirovoj vojny.
* Rezhissery:
Renita Grigoreva
Jurij Grigorev
* Tvorcheskij kollektiv

Pechki - lavochki
1972 g., 96 min., SSSR
Kinostudija Im. M. Gorkogo
Khudozhestvennyj kinofilm
Georgij Burkov ("Zimnij vecher v Gagrakh"), Zinovij Gerdt ("Solomennaja shljapka"), Lidija Fedoseeva-Shukshina ("Oni srazhalis za Rodinu") v komedii Vasilija Shukshina ("Kalina krasnaja") "Pechki - lavochki".
Prostaja, nezamyslovataja istorija... Muzh i zhena, samye chto ni na est derevenskie zhiteli, vpervye otpravljajutsja na kurort, "k jugu". Nam netoroplivo pokazyvajut ikh sbory, provody vsej derevnej, dorogu v poezde. I vstrechi, vstrechi... Etot trogatelnyj i dobryj film ne stareet.
* Rezhisser:
Vasilij Shukshin
* Tvorcheskij kollektiv

Elki - Palki!..
1988 g., 85 min., SSSR
Kinostudija Im. M. Gorkogo
Khudozhestvennyj kinofilm
Galina Polskikh ("Gonki po vertikali"), Leonid Jarmolnik ("Moskovskie kanikuly"), Leonid Kuravlev ("Afonja"), Evgenij Evstigneev ("Vivat, gardemariny!") v komedii Sergeja Nikonenko ("Korabl prisheltsev") "Elki - Palki!..".
S vidu geroj filma sovershenno normalnyj chelovek. Odnako bolshinstvo zemljakov schitajut ego slegka choknutym. Esche by: konstruiruet vechnyj dvigatel, godami sochinjaet filosofskij traktat… Slovom, vitaet v empirejakh i gljadit svysoka na prochikh obitatelej greshnoj zemli.
Gljadit-gljadit - a schastja-to svoego ne vidit… Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.