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  2. Klassiska ryska filmer
  3. Vooruzhen i ochen opasen (Armed and Very Dangerous)

Vooruzhen i ochen opasen (Armed and Very Dangerous)

Вооружен и очень опасен
Vooruzhen i ochen opasen (Armed and Very Dangerous)
Typ av medier
190/140/20 mm
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Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte1978 box-office leader – 39.2 million viewers. Songs to lyrics by Vladimir Vysotsky. America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie…The 1970s pop singer Ludmila Senchina (hits “Cinderella”, “Love and Separation”, “Little Stones”), the irresistible Leonid Bronevoy (“Seventeen Moments of Spring”) and the enigmatic Donatas Banionis (“The Dead Season”) in a highly dramatic film by the acclaimed master of adventure genre Vladimir Vainshtok (“Treasure Island”, “The Headless Horseman”).
Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte1978 box-office leader – 39.2 million viewers. Songs to lyrics by Vladimir Vysotsky. America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie…The 1970s pop singer Ludmila Senchina (hits “Cinderella”, “Love and Separation”, “Little Stones”), the irresistible Leonid Bronevoy (“Seventeen Moments of Spring”) and the enigmatic Donatas Banionis (“The Dead Season”) in a highly dramatic film by the acclaimed master of adventure genre Vladimir Vainshtok (“Treasure Island”, “The Headless Horseman”).

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
Aseistettu ja erittäin vaarallinen. (suom) Tämän venäläisen lännenelokuvan tapahtumat lähtevät liikkeelle siitä, että eräs työmies löytää maaöljyn syntypaikan. Se muuttaa hänen elämänsä antaen hänelle mahdollisuuksia ja pakottaen kokemaan ristiriitoja ja menetyksiä. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte1978 box-office leader – 39.2 million viewers. Songs to lyrics by Vladimir Vysotsky. America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie…The 1970s pop singer Ludmila Senchina (hits “Cinderella”, “Love and Separation”, “Little Stones”), the irresistible Leonid Bronevoy (“Seventeen Moments of Spring”) and the enigmatic Donatas Banionis (“The Dead Season”) in a highly dramatic film by the acclaimed master of adventure genre Vladimir Vainshtok (“Treasure Island”, “The Headless Horseman”).
Inspiré des oeuvres de Francis Bret Harte.En tête du box-office de 1978 en URSS – 39.200 000 entrées. Paroles des chansons écrites par Vladimir Vyssotski! Le Wild West de l’Amérique de la fin du XIX-ème siècle. Des milliers de gens s’y sont rendus là-bas en quête de la richesse. Parmi tous ces aventuriers Gabriel Conroy, un homme privé de tout esprit d'entreprise, incapable de tirer profit de quoi qu’il en soit. Quand sur ses terres ont jailli des fontaines de pétrole, le richard local Peter Damfey a décidé d’accaparer ces terres pétrolifères, et pour cela il recours au chantage de son ex-maîtresse Julie devenue la femme de Conroy... Ce film est interprété par la chanteuse très populaire aux années 70 Ludmila Sentchina (chansons «Cendrillon», «Amour et séparation», «Petites pierres»), par l’incomparable Léonid Bronévoï («Dix-sept instants du printemps») et par le mystérieux Donatas Banionis («Morte saison») et réalisé par le maître-cinéaste du genre d’aventures Vladimir Vaïnchtok («Ile au trésor», «Cavalier sans tête»).
Based upon stories by Francis Bret Harte1978 box-office leader – 39.2 million viewers. Songs to lyrics by Vladimir Vysotsky. America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, a man absolutely helpless in the world of business. When fountains of oil started gushing on his plot of land, the local moneybags Peter Damphy decided to appropriate the land, and succeeded in it by blackmailing Conroy’s wife and his former mistress Julie…The 1970s pop singer Ludmila Senchina (hits “Cinderella”, “Love and Separation”, “Little Stones”), the irresistible Leonid Bronevoy (“Seventeen Moments of Spring”) and the enigmatic Donatas Banionis (“The Dead Season”) in a highly dramatic film by the acclaimed master of adventure genre Vladimir Vainshtok (“Treasure Island”, “The Headless Horseman”).
События происходят в конце XIX века на Диком Западе, в Америке. В основе сюжета - сложные перипетии жизни работяги - старателя Габриэля Конроя. Найдя нефть на своем участке, он познает и счастье, и разочарование, и опасность, и отчаяние...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Sobytija proiskhodjat v kontse XIX veka na Dikom Zapade, v Amerike. V osnove sjuzheta - slozhnye peripetii zhizni rabotjagi - staratelja Gabrielja Konroja. Najdja neft na svoem uchastke, on poznaet i schaste, i razocharovanie, i opasnost, i otchajanie...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.