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  4. Prelude and Fugue for Piano

Prelude and Fugue for Piano

Прелюдия и фуга для фортепиано
Prelude and Fugue for Piano
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9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations between the Human Being and the Time in different aspects of this word's meaning, i. e. the course of time and its perception, concentration and rarefaction, accelerations and stops. Thus all these relations grow at last to the contiguity between the Time and the Eternity on the one hand and between the Human Being and cultural heritage (including musical one) nowadays. The composer resorts to various cultural traditions, e. g. the European Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Oriental Nirvana music and ecclesiastic Armenian music. Among Popov's most significant works there are the Requiem for soloists, old instruments' ensemble, prepared piano and metronome, "Theory of Affects" for chamber orchestra, "Sinfonia da camera" to Frescobaldi's memory, Sinfonia Brevis for full symphony orchestra, Chamber cantata "W" for contra tenor and octet to the folk Slavonic texts about the Doomsday. Popov is the laureate of the "International Tribune of Composers" (Paris, 1995). Among his works there are the silent film "Earth" (produced by Alexander Dovzhenko), which the composer wrote music to and "Johan" (produced by Moris Stiller), ordered by the German TV programme ZDF/ARTE.
Prelude and Fugue (double one with mutual exposition) refers to the 1980ies, having been dedicated to the memory of the composer Iosif Yakovlevich Pustylnik, Alexander Popov's first teacher of composition and polyphony. Tatiana Voronina was the first to have performed it.
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations between the Human Being and the Time in different aspects of this word's meaning, i. e. the course of time and its perception, concentration and rarefaction, accelerations and stops. Thus all these relations grow at last to the contiguity between the Time and the Eternity on the one hand and between the Human Being and cultural heritage (including musical one) nowadays. The composer resorts to various cultural traditions, e. g. the European Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Oriental Nirvana music and ecclesiastic Armenian music. Among Popov's most significant works there are the Requiem for soloists, old instruments' ensemble, prepared piano and metronome, "Theory of Affects" for chamber orchestra, "Sinfonia da camera" to Frescobaldi's memory, Sinfonia Brevis for full symphony orchestra, Chamber cantata "W" for contra tenor and octet to the folk Slavonic texts about the Doomsday. Popov is the laureate of the "International Tribune of Composers" (Paris, 1995). Among his works there are the silent film "Earth" (produced by Alexander Dovzhenko), which the composer wrote music to and "Johan" (produced by Moris Stiller), ordered by the German TV programme ZDF/ARTE.
Prelude and Fugue (double one with mutual exposition) refers to the 1980ies, having been dedicated to the memory of the composer Iosif Yakovlevich Pustylnik, Alexander Popov's first teacher of composition and polyphony. Tatiana Voronina was the first to have performed it.
Александр Георгиевич Попов (род. в 1957) - петербургский композитор, автор симфонических сочинений, камерно-инструментальной и вокальной музыки. В своих сочинениях Александр Попов особое внимание уделяет отношениям человека и времени в разных значениях этого слова: как в смысле непосредственного переживания человеческой личностью хода времени, его уплотнения и разрежения, ускорения и остановки, то есть соотнесения, в конечном счете, временного с вечным, так и в смысле взаимодействия сегодняшнего человека с традицией, музыкальной и общекультурной. Круг же традиций, к которым обращается композитор, весьма разнообразен: от европейского Средневековья и Ренессанса до медитативной музыки Востока, армянской духовной музыки.
Среди наиболее заметных работ Попова - Реквием для четырех голосов, ансамбля старинных инструментов, приготовленного фортепиано и метронома, "Теория аффектов" для камерного оркестра, Sinfonia da camera памяти Фрескобальди, Sinfonia Brevis для большого симфонического оркестра, камерная кантата "W" для контратенора и октета на славянские народные тексты о Страшном суде. А. Г. Попов - лауреат премии конкурса "Международная трибуна композиторов" (Париж, 1995), автор музыки к немым фильмам "Земля" (режиссер Александр Довженко) и "Йохан" (режиссер Морис Стиллер), написанной по заказу немецкого телеканала ZDF/ARTE.
Прелюдия и фуга (двойная с совместной экспозицией) написана в начале 80-х годов и посвящена памяти композитора Иосифа Яковлевича Пустыльника, который был первым преподавателем Александра Попова по классу композиции и полифонии. Впервые произведение было исполнено Т. А. Ворониной.
Aleksandr Georgievich Popov (rod. v 1957) - peterburgskij kompozitor, avtor simfonicheskikh sochinenij, kamerno-instrumentalnoj i vokalnoj muzyki. V svoikh sochinenijakh Aleksandr Popov osoboe vnimanie udeljaet otnoshenijam cheloveka i vremeni v raznykh znachenijakh etogo slova: kak v smysle neposredstvennogo perezhivanija chelovecheskoj lichnostju khoda vremeni, ego uplotnenija i razrezhenija, uskorenija i ostanovki, to est sootnesenija, v konechnom schete, vremennogo s vechnym, tak i v smysle vzaimodejstvija segodnjashnego cheloveka s traditsiej, muzykalnoj i obschekulturnoj. Krug zhe traditsij, k kotorym obraschaetsja kompozitor, vesma raznoobrazen: ot evropejskogo Srednevekovja i Renessansa do meditativnoj muzyki Vostoka, armjanskoj dukhovnoj muzyki.
Sredi naibolee zametnykh rabot Popova - Rekviem dlja chetyrekh golosov, ansamblja starinnykh instrumentov, prigotovlennogo fortepiano i metronoma, "Teorija affektov" dlja kamernogo orkestra, Sinfonia da camera pamjati Freskobaldi, Sinfonia Brevis dlja bolshogo simfonicheskogo orkestra, kamernaja kantata "W" dlja kontratenora i okteta na slavjanskie narodnye teksty o Strashnom sude. A. G. Popov - laureat premii konkursa "Mezhdunarodnaja tribuna kompozitorov" (Parizh, 1995), avtor muzyki k nemym filmam "Zemlja" (rezhisser Aleksandr Dovzhenko) i "Jokhan" (rezhisser Moris Stiller), napisannoj po zakazu nemetskogo telekanala ZDF/ARTE.
Preljudija i fuga (dvojnaja s sovmestnoj ekspozitsiej) napisana v nachale 80-kh godov i posvjaschena pamjati kompozitora Iosifa Jakovlevicha Pustylnika, kotoryj byl pervym prepodavatelem Aleksandra Popova po klassu kompozitsii i polifonii. Vpervye proizvedenie bylo ispolneno T. A. Voroninoj.
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