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  4. Brass Quintet for Two Trumpets, French Horn, Trombone and Tuba. Score and parts

Brass Quintet for Two Trumpets, French Horn, Trombone and Tuba. Score and parts

Брасс-квинтет для двух труб, валторны, тромбона и тубы. Партитура и партии
Brass Quintet for Two Trumpets, French Horn, Trombone and Tuba. Score and parts
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9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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Leonid Lyubovsky (*1937) was born in the small Russian town of Kamenka where he grew up during the Second World War. After graduating from the Kazan State Conservatory, he assumed a post there in the Music Composition Department. The acceptance of this academic position in no way hindered Lyubovsky’s intense creative output.
Leonid Lyubovsky is the composer who feels the modern age, its vigorous and dynamic pulse and rush of life. His music is penetrated with speculations and philosophical profundity. The composer’s current catalog of works includes six symphonies, three operas, three ballets, a symphonic oratorio, several vocal pieces and a large list of instrumental chamber music.
Lyubovsky describes his Brass Quintet as in a certain sense a “suite of contrasts”. The opening movement is a prelude that explores the individual instruments’ soloistic possibilities. The short fiery second movement is quickly succeeded by what the composer regards as “the dramatic nucleus of the cycle; a movement not without a dark tragic undercurrent”. The final movement turns to a playful mood which Lyubovsky views as at once both emotional and humorous.

From the tour booklet of the Annapolis Brass Quintet, USA


Leonid Lyubovsky (*1937) was born in the small Russian town of Kamenka where he grew up during the Second World War. After graduating from the Kazan State Conservatory, he assumed a post there in the Music Composition Department. The acceptance of this academic position in no way hindered Lyubovsky’s intense creative output.
Leonid Lyubovsky is the composer who feels the modern age, its vigorous and dynamic pulse and rush of life. His music is penetrated with speculations and philosophical profundity. The composer’s current catalog of works includes six symphonies, three operas, three ballets, a symphonic oratorio, several vocal pieces and a large list of instrumental chamber music.
Lyubovsky describes his Brass Quintet as in a certain sense a “suite of contrasts”. The opening movement is a prelude that explores the individual instruments’ soloistic possibilities. The short fiery second movement is quickly succeeded by what the composer regards as “the dramatic nucleus of the cycle; a movement not without a dark tragic undercurrent”. The final movement turns to a playful mood which Lyubovsky views as at once both emotional and humorous.

From the tour booklet of the Annapolis Brass Quintet, USA


Леонид Любовский (р. 1937) — композитор, остро и напряженно чувствующий современность, ее живой, динамический пульс, стремительное течение жизни.
В его творческом портфеле — симфонии, оперы, балеты, симфонические сюиты, оратории и кантаты, вокальные и инструментальные циклы.
Особое место в творчестве композитора занимают камерно-инструментальные ансамбли. Брасс-квинтет для двух труб, валторны, тромбона и тубы написан в 1985 году по заказу Брасс-квинтета Большого театра СССР и в том же году исполнен в авторском концерте композитора в г. Саратове Брандт-брасс-квинтетом под руководством профессора А. Д. Селянина. В ноябре 1987 года состоялась успешная премьера этого сочинения в США в исполнении Annapolis Brass Quintet. В свой репертуар включили его и другие известные коллективы США (The US Army Brass Quintet, The Tennessee Tech University Brass Quintet, Brass Quintet Night и др.).
Брасс-квинтет представляет собой сюиту контрастов. Открывает его прелюдия, в которой каждый солист как бы показывает возможности своего инструмента. Краткая фугообразная вторая часть — стремительное феерическое тутти, своеобразное скерцо. Медленная третья часть в стиле старинного граунда — драматургическая кульминация цикла. Четвертая, финальная часть полна светлого юмора и радостных эмоций.


Leonid Ljubovskij (r. 1937) — kompozitor, ostro i naprjazhenno chuvstvujuschij sovremennost, ee zhivoj, dinamicheskij puls, stremitelnoe techenie zhizni.
V ego tvorcheskom portfele — simfonii, opery, balety, simfonicheskie sjuity, oratorii i kantaty, vokalnye i instrumentalnye tsikly.
Osoboe mesto v tvorchestve kompozitora zanimajut kamerno-instrumentalnye ansambli. Brass-kvintet dlja dvukh trub, valtorny, trombona i tuby napisan v 1985 godu po zakazu Brass-kvinteta Bolshogo teatra SSSR i v tom zhe godu ispolnen v avtorskom kontserte kompozitora v g. Saratove Brandt-brass-kvintetom pod rukovodstvom professora A. D. Seljanina. V nojabre 1987 goda sostojalas uspeshnaja premera etogo sochinenija v SSHA v ispolnenii Annapolis Brass Quintet. V svoj repertuar vkljuchili ego i drugie izvestnye kollektivy SSHA (The US Army Brass Quintet, The Tennessee Tech University Brass Quintet, Brass Quintet Night i dr.).
Brass-kvintet predstavljaet soboj sjuitu kontrastov. Otkryvaet ego preljudija, v kotoroj kazhdyj solist kak by pokazyvaet vozmozhnosti svoego instrumenta. Kratkaja fugoobraznaja vtoraja chast — stremitelnoe feericheskoe tutti, svoeobraznoe skertso. Medlennaja tretja chast v stile starinnogo graunda — dramaturgicheskaja kulminatsija tsikla. Chetvertaja, finalnaja chast polna svetlogo jumora i radostnykh emotsij.


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