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  3. Collected Works. Volume XVIII. Songs of the 1970ies-80ies. For voice and piano

Collected Works. Volume XVIII. Songs of the 1970ies-80ies. For voice and piano

Собрание сочинений. Том XVIII. Песни 1970-80-х годов. Для голоса и фортепиано
Collected Works. Volume XVIII. Songs of the 1970ies-80ies. For voice and piano
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31.00 € 28.18 € utan Moms
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Andrey Petrov (1930–2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov’s class. Among the titles he was awarded were the laureate of State USSR Prizes (1967, 1976), Russia (1996), Russia President’s Prize (1990), People’s artist of the USSR (1990). The cinematographic prizes were the “Nika” (1992) and “Golden Ram” (1995). Having become the chairman of the Leningrad Composers’ Union in 1964 he headed it till the last days of his life, while in 1992 he started the activity of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society’s president. Andrey Petrov was the Honoured Citizen of St. Petersburg. The planet discovered in 1994 was given his name.
Andrey Petrov’s songs of the1970–80ies are true recognizible masterpieces. The more important thing is, that his melodies are still sung. And this is not just TV and radio, his songs are heard from out the cars, kitchens and just in everyday life... It looks most amazing, for these songs were composed more than half a century ago. Musicologist Boris Katz, known for his perspicacious stare at Petrov’s music and having created the book about him, marked: “...all the film songs are masterfully inserted to corresponding episodes, being connected with some definite characters, but we start singing them, as if we are their authors and they are written on behalf of ourselves, not to say of the true composer and poet, who are usually irretrievably forgotten.”


Editor’s Preface
K. Uchitel. Songs of the 1970ies–80ies: Secret of the evergreen melodies
IT MAY BE A DREAM. From the film “My Kind Daddy”. Verses by Ya. Golyakov
GEUZEN MARCH. From the performance “Legend about Tijl Uilenspiegel”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
SONG OF TIJL. From the performance “Legend about Tijl Uilenspiegel”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
CLOCK SONG. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG OF MATERNAL LOVE. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
CALL OF THE BLUE. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG ABOUT THE BLUE BIRD. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
WINGS IN THE SKY. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG ABOUT UNCLE STEVE. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by S. Mikhalkov
SONG ABOUT FRIENDSHIP. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by T. Kalinina
THREE SONGS OF JOKER. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by T. Kalinina
The First Song of Joker
The Second Song of Joker
The Third Song of Joker
LYRICAL SONG. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Music by A. Petrov, O. Petrova. Verses by T. Kalinina
ALIEN SHOTS IN THE FOREST. Song to the melody from the film “White Bim, Black Ear”. Verses by T. Kalinina
MY MIND LACKS REPOSE. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by R. Burns, translated by S. Marshak
NATURE DOES NOT HAVE BAD WEATHER. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by E. Ryazanov
WE ARE SHAKING IN JAMMED TRAMS. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
THE LAST POPPIES SHED THEIR PETALS. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by N. Zabolotsky
ABOUT POOR HUSSAR. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by the unknown author
TO MY FRIENDS. From the film“Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
SONG ABOUT TRUMPETERS. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Savoyarov
BIG WAY. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Svetlov
ROMANCE OF NASTENKA (To the officers of the 1812). From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Tsvetayeva
ROMANCE OF COLONEL. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
LANGUISHING ANXIETY OF MY HEART. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
MY BEAUTY. From the musical “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by T. Kalinina
WE SEEM TO LIVE WITHOUT PASSION. From the film “Station for Two”. Verses by E. Ryazanov
Andrey Petrov (1930–2006) was born in Leningrad. In 1954 he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatoire, where he studied composition at professor O. A. Yevlakhov’s class. Among the titles he was awarded were the laureate of State USSR Prizes (1967, 1976), Russia (1996), Russia President’s Prize (1990), People’s artist of the USSR (1990). The cinematographic prizes were the “Nika” (1992) and “Golden Ram” (1995). Having become the chairman of the Leningrad Composers’ Union in 1964 he headed it till the last days of his life, while in 1992 he started the activity of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society’s president. Andrey Petrov was the Honoured Citizen of St. Petersburg. The planet discovered in 1994 was given his name.
Andrey Petrov’s songs of the1970–80ies are true recognizible masterpieces. The more important thing is, that his melodies are still sung. And this is not just TV and radio, his songs are heard from out the cars, kitchens and just in everyday life... It looks most amazing, for these songs were composed more than half a century ago. Musicologist Boris Katz, known for his perspicacious stare at Petrov’s music and having created the book about him, marked: “...all the film songs are masterfully inserted to corresponding episodes, being connected with some definite characters, but we start singing them, as if we are their authors and they are written on behalf of ourselves, not to say of the true composer and poet, who are usually irretrievably forgotten.”


Editor’s Preface
K. Uchitel. Songs of the 1970ies–80ies: Secret of the evergreen melodies
IT MAY BE A DREAM. From the film “My Kind Daddy”. Verses by Ya. Golyakov
GEUZEN MARCH. From the performance “Legend about Tijl Uilenspiegel”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
SONG OF TIJL. From the performance “Legend about Tijl Uilenspiegel”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
CLOCK SONG. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG OF MATERNAL LOVE. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
CALL OF THE BLUE. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG ABOUT THE BLUE BIRD. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
WINGS IN THE SKY. From the film “The Blue Bird”. Verses by T. Harrison, Russian text by T. Kalinina
SONG ABOUT UNCLE STEVE. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by S. Mikhalkov
SONG ABOUT FRIENDSHIP. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by T. Kalinina
THREE SONGS OF JOKER. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Verses by T. Kalinina
The First Song of Joker
The Second Song of Joker
The Third Song of Joker
LYRICAL SONG. From the film “Jolly Dream, or Both Laughter and Tears”. Music by A. Petrov, O. Petrova. Verses by T. Kalinina
ALIEN SHOTS IN THE FOREST. Song to the melody from the film “White Bim, Black Ear”. Verses by T. Kalinina
MY MIND LACKS REPOSE. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by R. Burns, translated by S. Marshak
NATURE DOES NOT HAVE BAD WEATHER. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by E. Ryazanov
WE ARE SHAKING IN JAMMED TRAMS. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by Ye. Yevtushenko
THE LAST POPPIES SHED THEIR PETALS. From the film “Office Affair”. Verses by N. Zabolotsky
ABOUT POOR HUSSAR. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by the unknown author
TO MY FRIENDS. From the film“Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
SONG ABOUT TRUMPETERS. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Savoyarov
BIG WAY. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Svetlov
ROMANCE OF NASTENKA (To the officers of the 1812). From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by M. Tsvetayeva
ROMANCE OF COLONEL. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
LANGUISHING ANXIETY OF MY HEART. From the film “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by P. Vyazemsky
MY BEAUTY. From the musical “Put in a Word for the Poor Hussar”. Verses by T. Kalinina
WE SEEM TO LIVE WITHOUT PASSION. From the film “Station for Two”. Verses by E. Ryazanov
Андрей Павлович Петров (1930–2006) родился в Ленинграде. В 1954 году окончил Ленинградскую консерваторию по классу композиции профессора О. А. Евлахова. Лауреат Государственных премий СССР (1967, 1976), России (1996), Премии Президента РФ, народный артист СССР (1990). Был награжден кинематографическими премиями "Ника" (1992) и "Золотой Овен" (1995). С 1964 года до последних дней жизни он возглавлял ленинградскую — петербургскую композиторскую организацию, с 1992-го был президентом Филармонического общества Санкт-Петербурга. В 1998 году А. П. Петрову было присвоено звание почетного гражданина Санкт-Петербурга. Его именем названа открытая в 1994 году малая планета.
Среди песен Андрея Петрова 1970–1980-х годов много признанных шедевров жанра. Но гораздо важнее то, что эти мелодии продолжают жить и сегодня. Они постоянно звучат не только в теле- и радиоэфире — им подпевают и в автомобиле, и на кухне, напевают на ходу… Поистине удивительно: ведь скоро уже полвека, как эти песни написаны. Другой повод для удивления отметил музыковед Борис Кац, проницательно исследовавший творческую лабораторию Петрова и посвятивший его киномузыке замечательную книгу: "в кинофильмах все песни мастерски вписаны в нужное место, связаны с определенными героями и эпизодами, а мы (или вы — какая разница!) начинаем петь их так, как будто они написаны от нашего имени, как будто это наши песни — подчас забывая, из какого это фильма, кто там поэт, кто композитор".


От издательства
К. Учитель. Песни 1970–1980-х: загадка вечнозеленых мелодий
МОЖЕТ ПРИСНИТЬСЯ. Из телефильма "Мой добрый папа". Слова Я. Голякова
МАРШ ГЁЗОВ. Из спектакля "Легенда о Тиле Уленшпигеле". Слова Е. Евтушенко
ПЕСНЯ ТИЛЯ. Из спектакля "Легенда о Тиле Уленшпигеле". Слова Е. Евтушенко
ПЕСНЯ ЧАСОВ. Из кинофильма "Синяя птица". Слова Т. Харрисона, русский текст Т. Калининой
ПЕСНЯ МАТЕРИНСКОЙ ЛЮБВИ. Из кинофильма "Синяя птица". Слова Т. Харрисона, русский текст Т. Калининой
ЗОВ СИНЕВЫ. Из кинофильма "Синяя птица". Слова Т. Харрисона, русский текст Т. Калининой
ПЕСНЯ О СИНЕЙ ПТИЦЕ. Из кинофильма "Синяя птица". Слова Т. Харрисона, русский текст Т. Калининой
КРЫЛЬЯ В НЕБЕ. Из кинофильма "Синяя птица". Слова Т. Харрисона, русский текст Т. Калининой
ПЕСЕНКА О ДЯДЕ СТЁПЕ. Из телефильма "Весёлое сновидение, или Смех и слёзы". Слова С. Михалкова
ПЕСЕНКА О ДРУЖБЕ. Из телефильма "Весёлое сновидение, или Смех и слёзы". Слова Т. Калининой
ТРИ ПЕСНИ ШУТА. Из телефильма "Весёлое сновидение, или Смех и слёзы". Слова Т. Калининой
Первая песня Шута
Вторая песня Шута
Третья песня Шута
ЛИРИЧЕСКАЯ ПЕСЕНКА. Из телефильма "Весёлое сновидение, или Смех и слёзы". Музыка А. Петрова, О. Петровой. Слова Т. Калининой
ЧУЖИЕ ВЫСТРЕЛЫ В ЛЕСУ. Песня на мелодию из кинофильма "Белый Бим, Чёрное Ухо". Слова Т. Калининой
МОЕЙ ДУШЕ ПОКОЯ НЕТ. Из кинофильма "Служебный роман". Слова Р. Бёрнса, перевод С. Маршака
У ПРИРОДЫ НЕТ ПЛОХОЙ ПОГОДЫ. Из кинофильма "Служебный роман". Слова Э. Рязанова
НАС В НАБИТЫХ ТРАМВАЯХ БОЛТАЕТ. Из кинофильма "Служебный роман". Слова Е. Евтушенко
ОБЛЕТАЮТ ПОСЛЕДНИЕ МАКИ. Из кинофильма "Служебный роман". Слова Н. Заболоцкого
О БЕДНОМ ГУСАРЕ. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова неизвестного автора
ДРУЗЬЯМ. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова П. Вяземского
ПЕСЕНКА ПРО ТРУБАЧЕЙ. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова М. Савоярова
БОЛЬШАЯ ДОРОГА. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова М. Светлова
РОМАНС НАСТЕНЬКИ (Генералам двенадцатого года). Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова М. Цветаевой
РОМАНС ПОЛКОВНИКА. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова П. Вяземского
СЕРДЦА ТОМНАЯ ЗАБОТА. Из телефильма "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова П. Вяземского
ПРЕЛЕСТНИЦА МОЯ. Из мюзикла "О бедном гусаре замолвите слово". Слова Т. Калининой
ЖИВЁМ МЫ ЧТО-ТО БЕЗ АЗАРТА. Из кинофильма "Вокзал для двоих". Слова Э. Рязанова
Andrej Pavlovich Petrov (1930–2006) rodilsja v Leningrade. V 1954 godu okonchil Leningradskuju konservatoriju po klassu kompozitsii professora O. A. Evlakhova. Laureat Gosudarstvennykh premij SSSR (1967, 1976), Rossii (1996), Premii Prezidenta RF, narodnyj artist SSSR (1990). Byl nagrazhden kinematograficheskimi premijami "Nika" (1992) i "Zolotoj Oven" (1995). S 1964 goda do poslednikh dnej zhizni on vozglavljal leningradskuju — peterburgskuju kompozitorskuju organizatsiju, s 1992-go byl prezidentom Filarmonicheskogo obschestva Sankt-Peterburga. V 1998 godu A. P. Petrovu bylo prisvoeno zvanie pochetnogo grazhdanina Sankt-Peterburga. Ego imenem nazvana otkrytaja v 1994 godu malaja planeta.
Sredi pesen Andreja Petrova 1970–1980-kh godov mnogo priznannykh shedevrov zhanra. No gorazdo vazhnee to, chto eti melodii prodolzhajut zhit i segodnja. Oni postojanno zvuchat ne tolko v tele- i radioefire — im podpevajut i v avtomobile, i na kukhne, napevajut na khodu… Poistine udivitelno: ved skoro uzhe polveka, kak eti pesni napisany. Drugoj povod dlja udivlenija otmetil muzykoved Boris Kats, pronitsatelno issledovavshij tvorcheskuju laboratoriju Petrova i posvjativshij ego kinomuzyke zamechatelnuju knigu: "v kinofilmakh vse pesni masterski vpisany v nuzhnoe mesto, svjazany s opredelennymi gerojami i epizodami, a my (ili vy — kakaja raznitsa!) nachinaem pet ikh tak, kak budto oni napisany ot nashego imeni, kak budto eto nashi pesni — podchas zabyvaja, iz kakogo eto filma, kto tam poet, kto kompozitor".


Ot izdatelstva
K. Uchitel. Pesni 1970–1980-kh: zagadka vechnozelenykh melodij
MOZHET PRISNITSJa. Iz telefilma "Moj dobryj papa". Slova Ja. Goljakova
MARSh GJOZOV. Iz spektaklja "Legenda o Tile Ulenshpigele". Slova E. Evtushenko
PESNJa TILJa. Iz spektaklja "Legenda o Tile Ulenshpigele". Slova E. Evtushenko
PESNJa CHASOV. Iz kinofilma "Sinjaja ptitsa". Slova T. Kharrisona, russkij tekst T. Kalininoj
PESNJa MATERINSKOJ LJUBVI. Iz kinofilma "Sinjaja ptitsa". Slova T. Kharrisona, russkij tekst T. Kalininoj
ZOV SINEVY. Iz kinofilma "Sinjaja ptitsa". Slova T. Kharrisona, russkij tekst T. Kalininoj
PESNJa O SINEJ PTITSE. Iz kinofilma "Sinjaja ptitsa". Slova T. Kharrisona, russkij tekst T. Kalininoj
KRYLJa V NEBE. Iz kinofilma "Sinjaja ptitsa". Slova T. Kharrisona, russkij tekst T. Kalininoj
PESENKA O DJADE STJOPE. Iz telefilma "Vesjoloe snovidenie, ili Smekh i sljozy". Slova S. Mikhalkova
PESENKA O DRUZHBE. Iz telefilma "Vesjoloe snovidenie, ili Smekh i sljozy". Slova T. Kalininoj
TRI PESNI SHUTA. Iz telefilma "Vesjoloe snovidenie, ili Smekh i sljozy". Slova T. Kalininoj
Pervaja pesnja Shuta
Vtoraja pesnja Shuta
Tretja pesnja Shuta
LIRICHESKAJa PESENKA. Iz telefilma "Vesjoloe snovidenie, ili Smekh i sljozy". Muzyka A. Petrova, O. Petrovoj. Slova T. Kalininoj
CHUZHIE VYSTRELY V LESU. Pesnja na melodiju iz kinofilma "Belyj Bim, Chjornoe Ukho". Slova T. Kalininoj
MOEJ DUSHE POKOJa NET. Iz kinofilma "Sluzhebnyj roman". Slova R. Bjornsa, perevod S. Marshaka
U PRIRODY NET PLOKHOJ POGODY. Iz kinofilma "Sluzhebnyj roman". Slova E. Rjazanova
NAS V NABITYKh TRAMVAJAKh BOLTAET. Iz kinofilma "Sluzhebnyj roman". Slova E. Evtushenko
OBLETAJUT POSLEDNIE MAKI. Iz kinofilma "Sluzhebnyj roman". Slova N. Zabolotskogo
O BEDNOM GUSARE. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova neizvestnogo avtora
DRUZJAM. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova P. Vjazemskogo
PESENKA PRO TRUBACHEJ. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova M. Savojarova
BOLSHAJa DOROGA. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova M. Svetlova
ROMANS NASTENKI (Generalam dvenadtsatogo goda). Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova M. Tsvetaevoj
ROMANS POLKOVNIKA. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova P. Vjazemskogo
SERDTSA TOMNAJa ZABOTA. Iz telefilma "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova P. Vjazemskogo
PRELESTNITSA MOJa. Iz mjuzikla "O bednom gusare zamolvite slovo". Slova T. Kalininoj
ZHIVJOM MY CHTO-TO BEZ AZARTA. Iz kinofilma "Vokzal dlja dvoikh". Slova E. Rjazanova
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