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  3. Noter för ensemble med piano och andra instrument
  4. On the Festive Neva. Suite for two pianos and percussion. Score and part

On the Festive Neva. Suite for two pianos and percussion. Score and part

На праздничной Неве. Сюита для двух фортепиано и ударных. Партитура и партия
On the Festive Neva. Suite for two pianos and percussion. Score and part
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9.00 € 8.18 € utan Moms
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The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931–1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and overcame the Blockade. Being a child he was awarded the medal “For the Defence of Leningrad” for his participation in the concerts on the Baltic navy ships and for the cycle of songs about the Great Patriotic War.
Having graduated from the piano and composition faculties of the Leningrad Conservatoire, he studied at Dmitri Shostakovich until 1964.
The same year Okunev started his pedagogical activity at the conservatoire as the teacher of composition. In 1972 he became the member of the Leningrad Composers’ Union directorate. Numerous wonderful works belong to German Okunev, such as two symphonies, the ballets “Greatcoat” and “Kuyruchuk” (together with K. Moldobasanov), orchestral suite “At the Festive Neva”, piano cycle “The North’s Echoes”, “Rainbow”, piano pieces for children, 12 preludes for piano, Concerto for piano with chamber orchestra, vocal cycle to the verses by Marina Tsvetayeva, Concerto for hautboy and chamber orchestra, Quintet for the winds “Leningrad Engravings” and other chamber-instrumental ensembles, Poem for violin and piano, “Metamorphoses” for four trombones, “Choruses” a cappella. Among the executants there were Mariya Karandashova, Mikhail Vaiman, Lubov’ Bruk, Mark Taimanov, Marina Grinberg, Hanasi Chinakayev, Anatoly Lyubimov, Vitaly Buyanovsky, Victor Venglovsky.
The suite “On the Festive Neva” for full symphony orchestra was created in 1965. The author’s version for two pianos and percussions (1966) was firstly performed on October 30, 1966 in the Moscow Maly (Small) Conservatoire Hall. Galina and Yulia Turkins represented it that time, Alla Mamyko played percussion. Subsequently the suite was not once executed by well-known piano duets and percussionists (L. Bruk, M. Taimanov, O. Romanov; N. Novik, R. Kharadzhanyan, E. Akhunov; O. Isayeva, O. Malov, V. Zhavnerchik).
The composition was twice recorded. Garish imaginative sphere, harmonious novelty, timbre discoveries make for the festive mood thus riding high at concert stages.
The composer German Grigoriyevich Okunev (1931–1973) is the distinguished representative of the Russian composition school during the second half of the 20ieth century. Okunev was born in Leningrad and overcame the Blockade. Being a child he was awarded the medal “For the Defence of Leningrad” for his participation in the concerts on the Baltic navy ships and for the cycle of songs about the Great Patriotic War.
Having graduated from the piano and composition faculties of the Leningrad Conservatoire, he studied at Dmitri Shostakovich until 1964.
The same year Okunev started his pedagogical activity at the conservatoire as the teacher of composition. In 1972 he became the member of the Leningrad Composers’ Union directorate. Numerous wonderful works belong to German Okunev, such as two symphonies, the ballets “Greatcoat” and “Kuyruchuk” (together with K. Moldobasanov), orchestral suite “At the Festive Neva”, piano cycle “The North’s Echoes”, “Rainbow”, piano pieces for children, 12 preludes for piano, Concerto for piano with chamber orchestra, vocal cycle to the verses by Marina Tsvetayeva, Concerto for hautboy and chamber orchestra, Quintet for the winds “Leningrad Engravings” and other chamber-instrumental ensembles, Poem for violin and piano, “Metamorphoses” for four trombones, “Choruses” a cappella. Among the executants there were Mariya Karandashova, Mikhail Vaiman, Lubov’ Bruk, Mark Taimanov, Marina Grinberg, Hanasi Chinakayev, Anatoly Lyubimov, Vitaly Buyanovsky, Victor Venglovsky.
The suite “On the Festive Neva” for full symphony orchestra was created in 1965. The author’s version for two pianos and percussions (1966) was firstly performed on October 30, 1966 in the Moscow Maly (Small) Conservatoire Hall. Galina and Yulia Turkins represented it that time, Alla Mamyko played percussion. Subsequently the suite was not once executed by well-known piano duets and percussionists (L. Bruk, M. Taimanov, O. Romanov; N. Novik, R. Kharadzhanyan, E. Akhunov; O. Isayeva, O. Malov, V. Zhavnerchik).
The composition was twice recorded. Garish imaginative sphere, harmonious novelty, timbre discoveries make for the festive mood thus riding high at concert stages.
Композитор Герман Григорьевич Окунев (1931–1973) — выдающийся представитель русской композиторской школы второй половины XX века — родился в Ленинграде. Пережил блокаду. Окунев — автор многих значительных произведений. Среди них две симфонии, балеты "Шинель", "Куйручук" (в соавторстве с К. Молдобасановым), оркестровая сюита "На праздничной Неве", фортепианные циклы "Отзвуки Севера", "Радуга", фортепианные пьесы для детей, 12 прелюдий для фортепиано, Концерт для фортепиано с камерным оркестром, Поэма для скрипки и фортепиано, вокальный цикл на стихи Марины Цветаевой, Концерт для гобоя с камерным оркестром, "Метаморфозы" для четырех тромбонов, квинтет для духовых инструментов "Ленинградские гравюры" и другие камерно-инструментальные ансамбли, Хоры a cappella.
Сюита "На праздничной Неве" для большого симфонического оркестра бы ла создана в 1965 году. Авторское переложение сюиты для двух фортепиано и ударных (1966) впервые исполнено 30 октября 1966 года в Москве в Малом зале консерватории Галиной и Юлией Туркиными (партия ударных — Алла Мамыко). Впоследствии сюита многократно исполнялась различными камерными составами: Л. Брук и М. Тайманов, О. Романов; Н. Новик и Р. Хараджанян, Е. Ахунов; О. Исаева и О. Малов, В. Жавнерчик. Сочинение дважды публиковалось в грамзаписи. Ясная образность, гармоническая свежесть, тембровые находки и поистине праздничное настроение делают сюиту Германа Окунева выигрышным концертным произведением.
Издание адресовано концертирующим музыкантам, студентам и педагогам музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.


I. Увертюра
II. Панорама
III. Вечерние огни
IV. Салют
Kompozitor German Grigorevich Okunev (1931–1973) — vydajuschijsja predstavitel russkoj kompozitorskoj shkoly vtoroj poloviny XX veka — rodilsja v Leningrade. Perezhil blokadu. Okunev — avtor mnogikh znachitelnykh proizvedenij. Sredi nikh dve simfonii, balety "Shinel", "Kujruchuk" (v soavtorstve s K. Moldobasanovym), orkestrovaja sjuita "Na prazdnichnoj Neve", fortepiannye tsikly "Otzvuki Severa", "Raduga", fortepiannye pesy dlja detej, 12 preljudij dlja fortepiano, Kontsert dlja fortepiano s kamernym orkestrom, Poema dlja skripki i fortepiano, vokalnyj tsikl na stikhi Mariny Tsvetaevoj, Kontsert dlja goboja s kamernym orkestrom, "Metamorfozy" dlja chetyrekh trombonov, kvintet dlja dukhovykh instrumentov "Leningradskie gravjury" i drugie kamerno-instrumentalnye ansambli, Khory a cappella.
Sjuita "Na prazdnichnoj Neve" dlja bolshogo simfonicheskogo orkestra by la sozdana v 1965 godu. Avtorskoe perelozhenie sjuity dlja dvukh fortepiano i udarnykh (1966) vpervye ispolneno 30 oktjabrja 1966 goda v Moskve v Malom zale konservatorii Galinoj i Juliej Turkinymi (partija udarnykh — Alla Mamyko). Vposledstvii sjuita mnogokratno ispolnjalas razlichnymi kamernymi sostavami: L. Bruk i M. Tajmanov, O. Romanov; N. Novik i R. Kharadzhanjan, E. Akhunov; O. Isaeva i O. Malov, V. Zhavnerchik. Sochinenie dvazhdy publikovalos v gramzapisi. Jasnaja obraznost, garmonicheskaja svezhest, tembrovye nakhodki i poistine prazdnichnoe nastroenie delajut sjuitu Germana Okuneva vyigryshnym kontsertnym proizvedeniem.
Izdanie adresovano kontsertirujuschim muzykantam, studentam i pedagogam muzykalnykh uchilisch i konservatorij, a takzhe shirokomu krugu ljubitelej muzyki.


I. Uvertjura
II. Panorama
III. Vechernie ogni
IV. Saljut
Bibliotekskategori BIC:
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