Aleksandr Popov (born 1957) is a Saint-Petersburg composer, author of simphony creations, chamber instrumental and vocal music. In his creations Aleksandr Popov pays special attention to the relations...
Для голоса, скрипки и виолончели. Б/н cоч. (1941)
Прощание. Дм. Покрасс. Слова М. Исаковского
То не тучи - грозовые облака. Из кинофильма "Сыны трудового народа"....
Ivan Alexandrov is a pianist and composer, the winner of many international piano and composition competitions. He was born in village Mikhailovka (Kursk region) in 22 January1987, in the family of teachers....
Igor Stanislavovich Vorobyov (born 1965) — composer, musicologist, graduate of the Leningrad Choir College and the Leningrad Conservatoire, member of the Russia Composers’ Union, Doctor of Arts, assistant...
Dm. Pokrass. Parting. Verses by M. Isakovsky
Dan. and Dm. Pokrass. Those Aren’t the Stormy Clouds. From the film "Sons of Labour People".Verses by A. Surkov
M. Blanter. Song About...
Sergei Мikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of hе leading composers of the Russian modern music. His creation embraces actually all the genres — from operas and symphonies to cinematographic sound-tracks....
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations...
Журавли. Музыка В. Кароника, слова Н. Рубцова
Понимаешь, сегодня осень. Музыка В. Кароника, слова Л. Анисимова
Губы из-под вуали. Музыка В. Кароника, слова Л. Анисимова
Лишь окликни меня....
Я знал, что такое любовь
Я ласково учусь зеленой тишине
Два облака белых
Окно с огнем
Позвольте мне
В час, когда
Утоли мои печали
Близкие осени
Слушаю дождь
Была луна, была вес...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (род. 1932) — один из лидеров современной отечественной музыки, автор произведений во всех жанрах. Его перу принадлежат музыкальная драма "Виринея" (1965–1967) по мотивам повести...
Vitaly Nikolayevich Karonik (*1945) was born in Leningrad. His gifts of a poet and a composer were revealed already during the years of studying at the music college. The final college exam on conducting...
Здравствуй, детство мое… Слова В. Кароника (голос, домра малая, домра альтовая, аккордеон /баян)
Музыкалка. Слова В. Кароника (голос, фортепиано)
Ассоль. Слова Л. Анисимова (голос, скрипка,...
The appearance of the Madrigal 1 by Yuri Golubev is а great joy for viola players (so as for contrabassists and singers): on the first hand this is an exceptionally гаге ensemble according to its cast,...