1. Ноты
  2. Ноты: Медные духовые инструменты
  3. Ноты: Тромбон, туба
  4. 100 этюдов для тромбона. Тетр. 2 (No. 61-100) (мл. и ср. классы).

100 этюдов для тромбона. Тетр. 2 (No. 61-100) (мл. и ср. классы).

100 этюдов для тромбона. Тетр. 2 (No. 61-100) (мл. и ср. классы).
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Г. И. Страутман — дирижер сценического оркестра Мариинского театра, до этого долгое время был солистом симфонического оркестра этого театра. На протяжении всей своей творческой жизни он занимается преподавательской деятельностью, являясь одним из ведущих педагогов-тромбонистов.
Сборник "100 этюдов для тромбона" (в двух тетрадях) предназначен для учащихся детских музыкальных школ, музыкальных колледжей и училищ. Цель данного издания — способствовать развитию у юных музыкантов исполнительских навыков и приемов игры на тромбоне. Этюды расположены по принципу возрастания технической сложности. В конце издания публикуется список итальянских музыкальных терминов, использованных в сборнике.
Georgy Ivanovich Strautman is the conductor of the stage band of the Mariinsky Theatre. Formerly he was а soloist of the orchestra of the theatre.
During all his artistic life Mr Strautman has occupied himself with teaching. Не is one of the leading Russian teachers of trombone playing. Among his pupils are Anatoly Skobelev, soloist of the Russian National Symphony Orchestra, professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Vyacheslav Pachkaev, soloist of the Russian National Symphony Orchestra, Alexander Morozov, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre orchestra, and many others.
The collection “100 Etudes for Trombone” (in two volumes) is intended for junior students. It should help young musicians develop their performing skill and master the devices of trombone playing.
The etudes are arranged according to the principle of growing technical difficulty. Some of them have по tempo, dynamic, and other performing indications. In those cases the composer suggests the pupil (or his teacher) reveal his imagination апд find his individual character of playing.
Georgy Ivanovich Strautman is the conductor of the stage band of the Mariinsky Theatre. Formerly he was а soloist of the orchestra of the theatre.
During all his artistic life Mr Strautman has occupied himself with teaching. Не is one of the leading Russian teachers of trombone playing. Among his pupils are Anatoly Skobelev, soloist of the Russian National Symphony Orchestra, professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Vyacheslav Pachkaev, soloist of the Russian National Symphony Orchestra, Alexander Morozov, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre orchestra, and many others.
The collection “100 Etudes for Trombone” (in two volumes) is intended for junior students. It should help young musicians develop their performing skill and master the devices of trombone playing.
The etudes are arranged according to the principle of growing technical difficulty. Some of them have по tempo, dynamic, and other performing indications. In those cases the composer suggests the pupil (or his teacher) reveal his imagination апд find his individual character of playing.
G. I. Strautman — dirizher stsenicheskogo orkestra Mariinskogo teatra, do etogo dolgoe vremja byl solistom simfonicheskogo orkestra etogo teatra. Na protjazhenii vsej svoej tvorcheskoj zhizni on zanimaetsja prepodavatelskoj dejatelnostju, javljajas odnim iz veduschikh pedagogov-trombonistov.
Sbornik "100 etjudov dlja trombona" (v dvukh tetradjakh) prednaznachen dlja uchaschikhsja detskikh muzykalnykh shkol, muzykalnykh kolledzhej i uchilisch. Tsel dannogo izdanija — sposobstvovat razvitiju u junykh muzykantov ispolnitelskikh navykov i priemov igry na trombone. Etjudy raspolozheny po printsipu vozrastanija tekhnicheskoj slozhnosti. V kontse izdanija publikuetsja spisok italjanskikh muzykalnykh terminov, ispolzovannykh v sbornike.
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