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  4. Адажио. Мотивы. Для альта соло

Адажио. Мотивы. Для альта соло

Адажио. Мотивы. Для альта соло
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"Адажио" и "Мотивы" для альта соло выпускника Петербургской консерватории по классам альта и композиции Олега Ларионова (р. 1981) предлагаются музыкантам, желающим пополнить свой репертуар современными произведениями. Эмоциональная насыщенность мелодии, выразительность исполнительских приемов способствуют активной концертной жизни сочинений О. Ларионова и достойны привлечь заинтересованное внимание новых исполнителей.
From the author

I would like to introduce my pieces for solo viola. Technically the idea of composing instrumental pieces for solo viola came from my professor of composition Sergei Slonimsky.
Adagio is an early composition written under influence of core repertory for solo viola. Here I wanted to express my admiration toward the unique sound of this instrument and it’s profound, nearly human voice.
“Motives” are inspired by my trip to Armenia, land of ancient culture. There I saw great mountains, beautiful lanscapes, met warm people and tasted exquisite food... I wrote these pieces very quickly one after another in during less than two days. The First Performance took place at the festival of modern music “Fin de Siиcle” on May 21, 2011 at Mariinsky Theater where I worked at the time in the orchestra as Co-principal Viola.
I hope that every performer will find in this music something really close to their heart in order to create the right atmosphere for the public and to share their own ideas. And above all I hope you will enjoy my music.

Oleg Larionov


From the author

I would like to introduce my pieces for solo viola. Technically the idea of composing instrumental pieces for solo viola came from my professor of composition Sergei Slonimsky.
Adagio is an early composition written under influence of core repertory for solo viola. Here I wanted to express my admiration toward the unique sound of this instrument and it’s profound, nearly human voice.
“Motives” are inspired by my trip to Armenia, land of ancient culture. There I saw great mountains, beautiful lanscapes, met warm people and tasted exquisite food... I wrote these pieces very quickly one after another in during less than two days. The First Performance took place at the festival of modern music “Fin de Siиcle” on May 21, 2011 at Mariinsky Theater where I worked at the time in the orchestra as Co-principal Viola.
I hope that every performer will find in this music something really close to their heart in order to create the right atmosphere for the public and to share their own ideas. And above all I hope you will enjoy my music.

Oleg Larionov


"Adazhio" i "Motivy" dlja alta solo vypusknika Peterburgskoj konservatorii po klassam alta i kompozitsii Olega Larionova (r. 1981) predlagajutsja muzykantam, zhelajuschim popolnit svoj repertuar sovremennymi proizvedenijami. Emotsionalnaja nasyschennost melodii, vyrazitelnost ispolnitelskikh priemov sposobstvujut aktivnoj kontsertnoj zhizni sochinenij O. Larionova i dostojny privlech zainteresovannoe vnimanie novykh ispolnitelej.
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