In this work we discuss the propagation of the wave radiation focused by the axi-con, and analyze optical discharges created by laser Besselian beam in gases, fluids and on solid surfaces. We consider...
The proposed Lectures supplement the course by Landau and Lifshitz with some new sections, without which it is impossible to solve the problems in modern theoretical physics. This book consists of Lectures...
Skew-symmetric differential forms possess unique capabilities that manifest themselves in various branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. The invariant properties of closed exterior skew-symmetric...
The present monography is dedicated to a fashionable trend in nonlinear analysis - the theories of blow-up of solutions for final time. In this book nonlinear Sobolev type equations are systematically...
Religija Japonii - kompleks verovanij i religioznykh predstavlenij, kak zaimstvovannykh, tak i avtokhtonnykh, sformirovavshijsja glavnym obrazom na osnove buddizma. Schitaetsja, chto v Japonii bytujut...
V albome predstavleny fotografii, vypolnennye v techenie 2000-2009 gg. Vse raboty snjaty v Sevastopole i ego okrestnostjakh: Balaklave, Inkermane i Bajdarskoj doline. Izdanie adresovano shirokomu krugu...
Whether it is a small boutique or a monumental shopping mall, commercial brands today have learned to integrate architecture and design into their retail spaces as a way of distinguishing their product...
Tsel posobija - formirovanie i sovershenstvovanie navykov bystrogo zapominanija anglijskikh slov. Forma podachi materiala, osnovannaja na originalnoj avtorskoj metodike, pomozhet ne tolko suschestvenno...
A fun, motivating V1 course with full digital support that engages teenagers and keeps them interested. Code Blue provides comprehensive and systematic language learning with a strong emphasis on grammar...
Dlja pravilnogo i bystrogo perevoda anglijskogo predlozhenija na russkij jazyk nedostatochno raspolagat elementarnymi znanijami grammatiki i opredelennym zapasom slov. Perevod predlozhenija po printsipu...
"Anglijskij shutja" vkljuchaet v sebja okolo dvukhsot anglijskikh i amerikanskikh anekdotov, tekst kotorykh ne podvergsja nikakomu uproscheniju i, takim obrazom, soderzhit bolshoe kolichestvo shiroko upotrebljajuschejsja...
Berlitz Fun with English Words is perfect for children aged 4 to 6 years who are learning to read and write. This workbook features enjoyable activities, games, and puzzles designed to help your child...
Struktura i soderzhanie uchebnika pozvoljajut obobschit material, projdennyj v srednej shkole, i obespechit razvitie znanij, navykov i umenij na novom, bolee vysokom urovne. Osoboe vnimanie udeleno formirovaniju...
Skazochnaja povest o malchike, kotoryj nikogda ne povzrosleet, napisannaja Dzhejmsom Barri v pamjat o starshem brate i poljubivshajasja mnogim pokolenijam chitatelej vsego mira, adaptirovana v nastojaschem...
"The Grammar Booster" series has been carefully researched and planned for beginner to intermediate students who need grammar practice. Grammar points are taught in short, easy stages which students can...
Slovar soderzhit bolee 3000 finansovykh terminov mezhdunarodnoj torgovli. V nego voshli ne tolko ustojavshiesja terminy, no i naibolee populjarnye neologizmy, otnosjaschiesja k mezhdunarodnoj torgovle....
The thirty volumes in this series are thematically divided by room (living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and so on), and also by style (including designer homes, country houses and contemporary interiors)....
Vnimaniju chitatelej predlagaetsja polnyj, neadaptirovannyj tekst izvestnogo romana Somerseta Moema "Teatr" (1937). Izdanie rasschitano na lits, vladejuschikh osnovami anglijskogo jazyka i sovershenstvujuschikh...
Roman Erika Segala, sovremennogo amerikanskogo pisatelja, 'Istorija ljubvi' stal bestsellerom v 70-kh g. XX v. Avtor rasskazyvaet obyknovennuju istoriju, kakikh nemalo v mire, no zastavljaet zadumatsja...
Glavnyj geroj Enson rabotaet strakhovym agentom. Za dvenadtsat let sluzhby emu stanovitsja izvestnym bolshinstvo priemov, k kotorym pribegajut moshenniki radi nazhivy. No on uveren: firma, v kotoroj on...
The stoves in these deserted houses are now cold, but their rooms have attracted new inhabitants from the nearby woods.An ambiguous atmosphere reigns in the houses. The melancholic spirits of the last...
Natasha Perova (Editor), Arch Tait (Editor, Translator)
The 1998 winner of the Anti-Booker Prize, "Hurramabad" describes the bloody national strife and the eviction of Russians from Tajikistan following...
Dannoe izdanie predlagaetsja v kachestve uchebnogo posobija po istorii literatury stran izuchaemykh jazykov (anglijskaja literatura X-XIX vv.), adresovannogo studentam 2 kursa fakultetov inostrannykh jazykov,...
Uchebnoe posobie podgotovleno prepodavateljami kafedry inostrannykh jazykov Instituta mezhdunarodnogo prava i ekonomiki imeni A.C.Griboedova dlja studentov-menedzherov. Otlichitelnoj chertoj posobija javljaetsja...
Vladenie inostrannym jazykom (anglijskim) - objazatelnyj komponent professionalnoj podgotovki sovremennogo jurista-bakalavra. Posobie podgotovleno v sootvetstvii s uchebnoj programmoj i Gosudarstvennym...