Roman, sozdannyj v seredine XIX veka, i segodnja privlekaet vnimanie sovremennogo chitatelja. Geroinja knigi - devushka, poznavshaja nelegkij trud s detskikh let, neizmenno vyzyvaet simpatii chitatelej...
"Sestra Kerri" - pervyj roman izvestnogo amerikanskogo pisatelja Teodora Drajzera (1871-1945). Zhizn Kerri - istorija provintsialki, mechtajuschej najti schaste v gorode. S neobychajnoj pravdivostju avtor...
V romane vidnogo amerikanskogo pisatelja-gumanista "Sestra Kerri" na shirokom sotsialnom fone narisovana sudba devushki iz rabochej semi, pokazano, kak kapitalizm unichtozhaet v ljudjakh vse chelovecheskoe,...
Pervyj roman Teodora Drajzera "Sestra Kerri" otmechen glubinoj proniknovenija avtora v amerikanskuju dejstvitelnost, umeniem sozdat realisticheskie obrazy personazhej. V romane rasskazana istorija prostoj...
"Trilogija zhelanija" ("Finansist", "Titan", "Stoik") - znachitelnejshee proizvedenie amerikanskoj i evropejskoj literatury XX v. S iskljuchitelnoj izobrazitelnoj siloj obrisovyvaet Drajzer byt i nravy...
Amerikanskij romanist Teodor Drajzer davno zanjal pochetnoe mesto sredi klassikov mirovoj literatury. Tema bolshogo biznesa, ljudej, kak preuspevshikh v nem, tak i poterpevshikh fiasko, privlekala vnimanie...
3 oktjabrja 1927 goda klassik amerikanskoj literatury i publitsist Teodor Drajzer poluchil ot Sovetskogo pravitelstva priglashenie priekhat v Moskvu na prazdnovanie desjatoj godovschiny russkoj revoljutsii....
Vyshedshij posle smerti Teodora Drajzera, zakljuchitelnyj roman "Trilogii zhelanija" - "Stoik". Finansist-millioner pensionnogo vozrasta Frenk Kaupervud posle krakha v Chikago perenosit biznes v London...
An American Tragedy is the story of the corruption and destruction of one man, Clyde Griffiths, who forfeits his life in desperate pursuit of success. The novel represents a massive portrayal of the society...
The "Genius" is Theodore Dreiser's autobiographical novel about the turn-of-the-century art scene. It explores the multiple con licts between art and business, art and marriage, and between traditional...
An American Tragedy is the story of the corruption and destruction of one man, Clyde Griffiths, who forfeits his life in desperate pursuit of success. The novel represents a massive portrayal of the society...
An American Tragedy is the story of the corruption and destruction of one man, Clyde Griffiths, who forfeits his life in desperate pursuit of success. The novel represents a massive portrayal of the society...
World-famous for his novels Sister Carrie and Jennie Gerhardt, Theodore Dreiser was also highly accomplished in journalism, autobiography, and travel writing. In 1919 Dreiser proposed to publish a "book...
Stoic is a novel by Theodore Dreiser, whose main character is Frank Cowperwood, a businessman based on the real tycoon Charles Yerkes. Cowperwood, still married to his estranged wife Aileen, lives with...
The Financier tells the story of the ruthlessly dominating broker Frank Cowperwood as he climbs the ladder of success, his adoring mistress championing his every move. Based on the life of financier S....
The "Genius" is Theodore Dreiser's autobiographical novel about the turn-of-the-century art scene. It explores the multiple con licts between art and business, art and marriage, and between traditional...
Theodore Dreiser was an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school. His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary...
Jennie Gerhardt was Theodore Dreiser's second novel and his first true commercial success. The story of love between beautiful young woman and very rich man Lester Kane. Lester wants to marry her, but...
Frank Cowperwood has moved to Chicago with new wife Aileen. His plan is to take over the street-railway system in the process bankrupting opponents with political allies. The Titan follows Cowperwood through...
When a girl leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse....
"Titan" - vtoraja chast znamenitoj "Trilogii zhelanija" Teodora Drajzera, v osnovu kotoroj polozhena istorija zhizni amerikanskogo millionera Ch. Jerksa, sygravshego znachitelnuju rol v razrabotke sistemy...
Teodor Drajzer - znamenityj amerikanskij pisatel XX veka, chi proizvedenija okazali bolshoe vlijanie na sovremennuju kulturu, a kandidatura Drajzera byla vydvinuta na poluchenie Nobelevskoj premii po literature.V...
"Sestra Kerri" - pervyj roman izvestnogo amerikanskogo pisatelja Teodora Drajzera, opublikovannyj v 1900 godu. Vosemnadtsatiletnjaja Karolina, v popytke ustroit svoju sudbu i obresti schaste, uezzhaet...
Roman "Finansist" Teodora Drajzera, izvestnogo pisatelja i obschestvennogo dejatelja XX veka, javljaetsja pervym iz tsikla "Trilogija zhelanija".Na primere glavnogo geroja Frenka Kaupervuda, avtor risuet...
Roman Teodora Drajzera "Stoik" javljaetsja zakljuchitelnym romanom iz tsikla "Trilogija zhelanij", povestvujuschem o sudbe Frenka Kaupervuda. Posle krakha v Chikago glavnyj geroj nachinaet stroit svoj...
V predvybornoj borbe net mesta santimentam. Esli ty chesten i porjadochen, esli pytaeshsja izmenit pravila igry v stremlenii pomogat ljudjam - chto zh, nikto v etom ne vinovat, mozhesh penjat tolko na...
Sister Carrie (1900) tells the story of a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a kept woman, and later becoming a famous actress. Sister...