La plus jeune des grandes cites europeennes, Saint-Petersbourg a celebre son tricentenaire en 2003. Ayant eclipse le vieux Moscou avec ses mceurs partiarcales, la ville est demeuree, au cours de plus de...
San Petersburgo es una de las megalopolis mas importantes del mundo con ciencias e industries altamente desarrolladas u otros atributos de una ciudad grande, siendo simultaneamente un gigantesco acervo...
"One who has visited Moscow, knows Russia", wrote the great Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin. Since time immemorial Russian people perceived golden-domed Moscow as the heart of Russia, the essence of...
Trekhmernaja risovannaja karta prednaznachen dlja shirokogo kruga chitatelej v kachestve spravochnogo kartograficheskogo posobija. Ona soderzhit kartu goroda "Sankt-Peterburg" s nebolshimi pojasnenijami...
Die Geschichte Russlands ist einzigartig und viel-seitig. Sie wurde zum grofien Teil durch seine Regenten bestimmt: durch deren Gebildet-heit, Vorlieben und die Eigenheiten des person-lichen Charakters....
L'histoire de la Russie est a la fois unique et multiple. L'histoire d'un grand Etat depend en grande partie de l'intelligence des souverains qui le gouvernent, de leur habilete politique et de leurs qualites...
Russia's past is unique and many-sided. To a large extent the course of the great country's history was determined by its rulers: their education and political talents, their moral qualities and peculiarities...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". Na svete nemnogo najdetsja gorodov s takoj udivitelnoj sudboj, kakaja vypala Sankt-Peterburgu, blistatelnoj...
Sankt-Peterburg - samyj junyj gorod sredi izvestnykh evropejskikh gorodov: v 2003 g. emu ispolnilos 300 let. Bolee dvukh vekov on byl blistatelnoj stolitsej gromadnoj Rossijskoj imperii, ottesniv na vtoroj...
Palekh, Fedoskino, Mstiora, Kholui - these names of the old centres of the lacquer miniature are known to millions of Russians. Many families lovingly preserve in their homes elegantly decorated boxes,...
Etot albom poznakomit vas s istoriej i arkhitekturoj Moskvy. "Kto byl v Moskve, tot znaet Rossiju", - pisal velikij russkij istorik N.M.Karamzin. S nezapamjatnykh vremen Moskva zlatoglavaja vosprinimalas...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". Na svete nemnogo najdetsja gorodov s takoj udivitelnoj sudboj, kakaja vypala Sankt-Peterburgu, blistatelnoj...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom na anglijskom jazyke "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". There are few cities in the world which have such a striking history as St Petersburg....
San Petersburgo es la mas joven de las ciudades conocidas de Europa: en 2003 ella cumplio 300 anos. En el curso de mas de dos siglos la urbe fue capital del enorme Imperio Ruso, relegando a segundo piano...
Palech, Fedoskino, Mstjora, Choluj... Ogni russo conosce queste denominazioni degli antichi centri di produzione di miniature laccate. In molte famiglie si conservano con cura scatoline finemente decorate,...
Palej, Fedoskino, Mstiora, Joluy - estos nombres de los antiguos centros de la miniatura en laca son conocidos por todos los rusos. En muchos hogares se guardan celosamente cofrecillos, arquetas, paneles...
"One who has visited Moscow, knows Russia", wrote the great Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin. Since time immemorial Russian people perceived golden-domed Moscow as the heart of Russia, the essence of...
This colorful book is devoted to one of St Petersburg's greatest treasure-houses of art - the State Hermitage Museum.
The Hermitage is not only one of the largest depositories of art in the world, but...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". Na svete nemnogo najdetsja gorodov s takoj udivitelnoj sudboj, kakaja vypala Sankt-Peterburgu, blistatelnoj...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". Na svete nemnogo najdetsja gorodov s takoj udivitelnoj sudboj, kakaja vypala Sankt-Peterburgu, blistatelnoj...
Predlagaem vashemu vnimaniju bogato illjustrirovannyj albom "Sankt-Peterburg. Istorija i arkhitektura". Na svete nemnogo najdetsja gorodov s takoj udivitelnoj sudboj, kakaja vypala Sankt-Peterburgu, blistatelnoj...