Uchebnik po biotekhnologii sostavlen v sootvetstvii s trebovanijami federalnogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatelnogo standarta (uroven spetsialiteta) po napravleniju podgotovki 33.05.01 "Farmatsija" i rabochej...
V uchebnom posobii v nagljadnoj lakonichnoj forme dano sistematizirovannoe opisanie morfologicheskikh struktur po tsitologii, gistologii i embriologii v sootvetstvii s uchebnoj programmoj po etomu predmetu....
Trete izdanie uchebnika dlja meditsinskikh uchilisch i kolledzhej po spetsialnosti "Otorinolaringologija" (bolezni ukha, gorla i nosa) podgotovleno avtorami s uchetom novejshikh dostizhenij v meditsine,...
This course book discloses a current state of all the main sections of dermatic and sexually transmitted diseases, as provided by the standard curriculum for students of medical higher educational institutions...
This textbook briefly describes the milestones of origin and development of medicine from high antiquity up to the present day in accordance with syllabus for junior students. The textbook is the first...
This edition of the textbook is signifi cantly updated and revised following the changes in the structure of incidence of diff erent nosological entities of infectious diseases and their economic signifi...
The tutorial presents the methodology of the physical examination of children of various age groups starting from history taking, general examination and anthropomorphic measurements, fi nalizing with...
The textbook written by the professors of the Biological Chemistry Department of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) approaches somplicated modern scientific data...
The textbook provides a brief introduction to the fundamental basics of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract and ear di seases, as well as the latest scientifi c and...
Chest i dobroe imja ispokon vekov javljalis predmetom ostrykh napadok i takoj zhe ostroj zaschity. Rossijskie dvorjane i vovse stali "nevolnikami chesti", neprestanno zaschischaja chest i dostoinstvo pri...
V uchebnike posle kratkogo opisanija istorii anatomii, osnovnykh etapov razvitija cheloveka v embrionalnom periode i posle rozhdenija posledovatelno rassmotreno stroenie tela cheloveka, ego organov. Vnachale...
Predlagaemyj sbornik tipovykh zadanij v testovoj forme po kursu normalnoj fiziologii prednaznachen dlja samokontrolja, a takzhe dlja tekuschego i itogovogo kontrolja znanij studentov lechebnogo i stomatologicheskogo...
Izgotovlenie lekarstvennykh form i kontrol ikh kachestva v sovremennykh uslovijakh nevozmozhny bez sootvetstvujuschikh raschetov, kotorye chasche vsego svjazany s ispolzovaniem spravochnykh dannykh, v...
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations...
As a foundation to a successful career in clinical medicine every physician needs to be able to establish a good rapport with the patient, accurately record all presenting symptoms and signs, and finally...
Vtoroe izdanie uchebnika dopolneno razdelom o fizioterapevticheskoj apparature i diagnosticheskoj elektroporatsii kletochnykh membran. Izmeneny i dobavleny teksty rjada glav, mnogie illjustratsii i testovye...
Uchebnik "Osnovy sestrinskogo dela" sostoit iz dvukh chastej. V pervoj chasti osvescheny obschie voprosy teorii sestrinskogo dela i sestrinskogo protsessa kak metodologicheskoj osnovy sestrinskoj praktiki....