Current state, prospects and trends in the development of nanotechnology, development and implementation of the technology in various areas of production.
Analysis of oil and gas equipment market in Russia and CIS.
The magazine "Neftegazovaja vertikal" (eng. Oil and Gas Vertical) has been published since 1995 and covers all issues of the oil and gas industry in Russia and neighboring countries.
Currently, the magazine is the only independent publication dedicated to that field in Russia.
Digest of Russian journal "Non-ferrous metals". The digest is published in English. Coverage of theory and practice, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, economics and production management.
(title in English: Industrial coatings). Zhurnal dlja potrebitelej lakokrasochnykh materialov. Opisyvaet razlichnye vidy LKM i metody ikh nanesenija na raznye tipy poverkhnostej, ee podgotovku; okrasochnoe i sushilnoe oborudovanie; daet svedenija o defektakh pokrytij i sposobakh ikh ustranenija.
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Technologies, equipment, raw materials, premixes, enriching additives for the feedmilling industry. The readers - large state feed mills, cooperative enterprises of small capacity, poultry and animal farms.
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Russia's main monthly magazine looking at many aspects of nonferrous metallurgy: heavy nonferrous metals, rare metals, carbonaceous materials, light alloys, and metal working.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
The journal "Voprosy oboronnoj tekhniki. Serija 16" (eng. "Defense technology issues") focuses on a wide range of topics related to technical means of preventing and countering terrorism, processing and testing of defense technologies, means of communication within defense technologies, etc.
Interpretation of hydrocarbon fields formation and location conditions, advanced methods and technologies of their exploration, prospecting and development, genesis, ecological problems, analysis of oil and gas economics.
Technologies, equipment, raw materials, premixes, enriching additives for the feedmilling industry. The readers - large state feed mills, cooperative enterprises of small capacity, poultry and animal farms.
The coal, the coke, the chemistry, the protection of the environment, the equipment. The power engineering, the mechanization, the automation, the management.
(title in English: Paints and varnishes and their application) The news of paints and coatings industry, review of raw materials and product markets, equipment for production and colouring, technologies, use of paints and coatings.
Russia's main monthly magazine looking at many aspects of nonferrous metallurgy: heavy nonferrous metals, rare metals, carbonaceous materials, light alloys, and metal working.
The topics of the articles reflect the results of scientific research aimed at creating a fundamental basis for new technologies and solving practical problems of the gas industry.
The editorial board includes specialists in the field of management, computer technology, informatics, electronics, measuring technology, radio engineering and communications, representing Russian educational, research and industrial organizations.
The journal "Voprosy oboronnoj tekhniki. Serija 16" (eng. "Defense technology issues") focuses on a wide range of topics related to technical means of preventing and countering terrorism, processing and testing of defense technologies, means of communication within defense technologies, etc.
A magazine for directors of industrial enterprises and manufacturing companies, researchers, engineers, scientists, businessmen, doctors, military personnel, and other specialists interested in developments in the nanoindustry.
The journal publishes reports in the following areas: solid state physics, optics and holography applications to computers and measurement techniques: physical and applied aspects of micro- and optoelectronics.
Scientific and technical journal on technology and technology of blasting operations, explosive materials, means of explosion and explosion protection.
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The journal publishes reports in the following areas: solid state physics, optics and holography applications to computers and measurement techniques: physical and applied aspects of micro- and optoelectronics.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
Scholarly journal on the history of science in Russia and abroad.
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Publikujutsja rezultaty issledovanij po matematike, mehanike, fizike, himii, biologii, geologii, meditsine, uchebnye programmy, nauchnaja informatsija.
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Publikujutsja rezultaty issledovanij po tehnicheskoj kibernetike, elektronike, sistemam upravlenija, mashinovedeniju, stroitelstvu, uchebnye programmy, nauchnaja informatsija.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
Korrozionnye protsessy, razrushenie. Korrozionno-stojkie materialy. Metody zashchity i ih unifikatsija.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
Journal "Automation and Telemechanics" publishes results of scientific research in the field of theory and practice of automatic control.
Subscription order to the printed version of the magazine should be placed separately.
A magazine for directors of industrial enterprises and manufacturing companies, researchers, engineers, scientists, businessmen, doctors, military personnel, and other specialists interested in developments in the nanoindustry.