1. Abonnements aux périodiques

Abonnement aux magazines et journaux en carélien

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  • Prix incl. livraison
    en Finlande:
    40.50 €
    à d'autres pays:
    60.00 € 54.55 € hors TVA
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    A socio-political newspaper in the Livvik and Karelian dialects of the Karelian language. The newspapers "Oma Mua" and "Vienan Karjala" have been combined into one publication since 2014. The main focus of the newspaper is the revival of the native language, the preservation and development of national culture and traditions. The newspaper "Oma Mua" publishes literary and artistic works by Karelian-speaking...
  • Prix incl. livraison
    en Finlande:
    16.50 €
    à d'autres pays:
    21.00 € 19.09 € hors TVA
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    Kodima is a Veps and Russian-language newspaper published in Petrozavodsk. The newspaper is published once a month. The publisher is Periodika, which also publishes Karjalan Sanomat and Oma Mua. Kodima has been published since 1993.
  • Prix incl. livraison
    en Finlande:
    18.00 €
    à d'autres pays:
    24.00 € 21.82 € hors TVA
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    The 15th issue of the literary almanac "Taival" has been published. This time, the main materials of the almanac were articles about the teacher and mentor Matvej Isakovich Pirhonen, as well as about the folk writer Jaakko Rugojev. The material was published in honor of the 115th anniversary of the poet and prose writer.
  • Prix incl. livraison
    en Finlande:
    12.00 €
    à d'autres pays:
    16.50 € 15.00 € hors TVA
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    Kids' magazine in the Carelian language, published in Russian Petrozavodsk.
    Published in February, May, August and November.
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