The map of Moscow in scale 1:65 000 (in 1 cm 650 m) contains: - streets, driveways, roads,
- railway stations, hotels,
- posts of traffic police, gas station,
- museums, theaters, cinemas,
- numbers of congresses from the Moscow Ring Road.
Residents and guests of the city.
The map of Moscow in scale 1:65 000 (in 1 cm 650 m) contains: - streets, driveways, roads,
- railway stations, hotels,
- posts of traffic police, gas station,
- museums, theaters, cinemas,
- numbers of congresses from the Moscow Ring Road.
Residents and guests of the city.
Карта Москвы в масштабе 1:65 000 (в 1 см 650 м) содержит:- улицы, проезды, дороги,- вокзалы, гостиницы,- посты ГИБДД, АЗС, достопримечательности,- музеи, театры, кинотеатры,- номера съездов с МКАД. Жителям и гостям города.
Karta Moskvy v masshtabe 1:65 000 (v 1 sm 650 m) soderzhit:- ulitsy, proezdy, dorogi,- vokzaly, gostinitsy,- posty GIBDD, AZS, dostoprimechatelnosti,- muzei, teatry, kinoteatry,- nomera sezdov s MKAD. Zhiteljam i gostjam goroda.