Cwiczenia leksykalne i gramatyczne, a zarazem rozwijajace poszczegolne sprawnosci. Niezwykle wartosciowe jest tez ich zroznicowanie pod wzgledem stopnia trudnosci, stwarza bowiem nauczycielowi mozliwosc dostosowania trybu nauki do indywidualnych potrzeb ucznia. Ambitniejszym mozna podsunac cwiczenia poszerzajace leksyke czy wymagajace wiekszej samodzielnosci w poslugiwaniu sie jezykiem. Tych slabszych uciesza alternatywne, czesto uproszczone, wersje cwiczen do nagran czy tekstow z podrecznika, a takze klucz do cwiczen i transkrypcje wiekszosci nagran?
An extensive set of carefully selected exercises which perfectly supplement the content introduced in the textbook. A variety of exercise forms and functional graphics, which complement their content, will ensure that no one will be bored with this book. Many exercises are based on dialogues and extensive texts: legends, descriptions of holidays and traditions, interviews, street surveys, statements of various people on topics related to a variety of problems in today s world. All texts are also in the audio version! Working with such diverse material, it is easy to forget that it is a collection of exercises aimed at consolidation or expansion of the vocabulary range, automation of grammatical structures and, most of all, improving the level of knowledge of Polish by developing all language skills.