В монографии приведены базовые положения, необходимые для понимания и формирования профессиональных компетенций по дисциплинам: "Информатика", "Информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности", изложены модели и представлены алгоритмы для решения профессиональных задач. Содержатся многочисленные примеры, иллюстрирующие основные положения теории и способствующие более глубокому пониманию дисциплин. Все методы сопровождаются заданиями для самоконтроля с ответами и поясняющими материалами. Книга будет полезна учащимся старших классов, студентам, изучающим дисциплины "Информатика", "Информационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности", преподавателям, а также целесообразна в качестве базового руководства для планирования деятельности предприятий посредством доступных офисных систем. Shmeleva Anna Gennadyevna, Ladynin Andrey Ivanovich Computer science. Information technologies in professional activity The book contains models and algorithms for professional problem solving as well as basic provisions for "Informatics" and "Information technologies in professional activity" disciplines insight. There are numerous examples inside illustrating theory main points and contributing to the disciplines' deeper understanding. Each method is accompanied by tasks for self-examination with answers and explanatory materials. The following monograph is useful for high school attendants, students studying "Informatics", "Information technology in professional work" disciplines, teachers, and is also useful as a basic guide for enterprise business planning through common office systems.Издательство - ЛЕНАНД
V monografii privedeny bazovye polozhenija, neobkhodimye dlja ponimanija i formirovanija professionalnykh kompetentsij po distsiplinam: "Informatika", "Informatsionnye tekhnologii v professionalnoj dejatelnosti", izlozheny modeli i predstavleny algoritmy dlja reshenija professionalnykh zadach. Soderzhatsja mnogochislennye primery, illjustrirujuschie osnovnye polozhenija teorii i sposobstvujuschie bolee glubokomu ponimaniju distsiplin. Vse metody soprovozhdajutsja zadanijami dlja samokontrolja s otvetami i pojasnjajuschimi materialami. Kniga budet polezna uchaschimsja starshikh klassov, studentam, izuchajuschim distsipliny "Informatika", "Informatsionnye tekhnologii v professionalnoj dejatelnosti", prepodavateljam, a takzhe tselesoobrazna v kachestve bazovogo rukovodstva dlja planirovanija dejatelnosti predprijatij posredstvom dostupnykh ofisnykh sistem. Shmeleva Anna Gennadyevna, Ladynin Andrey Ivanovich Computer science. Information technologies in professional activity The book contains models and algorithms for professional problem solving as well as basic provisions for "Informatics" and "Information technologies in professional activity" disciplines insight. There are numerous examples inside illustrating theory main points and contributing to the disciplines' deeper understanding. Each method is accompanied by tasks for self-examination with answers and explanatory materials. The following monograph is useful for high school attendants, students studying "Informatics", "Information technology in professional work" disciplines, teachers, and is also useful as a basic guide for enterprise business planning through common office systems.Izdatelstvo - LENAND