Pocket Russian grammar for foreigners.
This pocket grammar for foreigners is a grammar book for those who would like to speak a little Russian, but don’t have enough time for regular studies. The grammar book serves the interest of the students with the certain knowledge of the grammar system of the native or foreign language.
A beginner can use this manual in studying Russian independently with the help of a bilingual dictionary.
Every speech pattern of this book is supplied with grammar notes in the form of tables which makes it possible to use them without any theoretical speculations. This grammar book is of purely practical course. It has three sections structured as follows:
Section I gives the models of the structural base of the sentence. Section II gives an idea about the objective relations in the Russian sentence. Section III is dedicated to the expressions of space, time, purpose, conditional and other relations in the Russian sentence.
The book contains two supplements with the list of all the irregular verbs and various speech clichés.
Книга представляет собой минимизированный грамматический справочник для лиц, желающих немного говорить, читать, писать по-русски, но не имеющих достаточно времени для регулярных занятий языком. Грамматика снабжена иллюстрациями и содержит словарь-минимум с переводом слов на английский и немецкий языки. Книга написана одним из авторов популярной «Грамматики русского языка в иллюстрациях».
Kniga predstavljaet soboj minimizirovannyj grammaticheskij spravochnik dlja lits, zhelajuschikh nemnogo govorit, chitat, pisat po-russki, no ne imejuschikh dostatochno vremeni dlja reguljarnykh zanjatij jazykom. Grammatika snabzhena illjustratsijami i soderzhit slovar-minimum s perevodom slov na anglijskij i nemetskij jazyki. Kniga napisana odnim iz avtorov populjarnoj «Grammatiki russkogo jazyka v illjustratsijakh».