What is the secret to Amazon's success? What does the ecommerce giant have in store for the future? Explore the disruptive new retail strategies of the world's most relentless retailer and gain valuable lessons that can be applied to any business in the ecommerce sector, with original insight from the company as it continues to revolutionize itself even further.The retail industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Across all sectors and markets, retailers are shifting their business models and customer engagement strategies to ensure they survive. The rise of online shopping, and its primary player, Amazon, is at the heart of these changes and opportunities.Amazon's relentless dissatisfaction with the status quo is what makes it such an extraordinary retailer. This book explores whether Amazon has what it takes to become a credible grocery retailer, and as it transitions to bricks and mortar retailing, investigates whether Amazon's stores can be as compelling as its online offering. Exploring the ecommerce giant's strategies, Amazon offers unique insight into how innovations such voice technology, checkout-free stores and its Prime ecosystem, will fundamentally change the way consumers shop.Written by industry leading retail analysts who have spent decades providing research-based analysis and opinion on retail strategy and enterprise technology use in retail, Amazon analyzes the impact these initiatives will have on the wider retail sector and the lessons that can be learned from its unprecedented rise to dominance - as stores of the future become less about transactions and more about experiences.
Титан комерцiї XXI столiття вирiс зi звичайного книжкового ритейлера. Пiд час написання цiєї книжки продажi Amazon складали щонайменше половину вiд усiх онлайн-продажiв у США. Так, iдеться про одну з найдорожчих публiчних компанiй у свiтi, лiдера ринку хмарних обчислень i голосових технологiй. Для конкурентiв Amazon нещадний i грiзний. Для покупцiв -легкий i дедалi необхiднiший, адже Amazon - це доступ до мiльйонiв продуктiв iз найшвидшим доставленням. А як щодо доступу за лаштунки найбiльшої у свiтi клiєнтоорiєнтованої компанiї? На вас чекає чимало провокативного й такого, про що прагнуть дiзнатися власники великих i дрiбних торговельних мереж. Amazon задає глобальнi ритейл-тренди, тож будьте в трендi!
Titan komertsiji XXI stolittja viris zi zvichajnogo knizhkovogo ritejlera. Pid chas napisannja tsijeji knizhki prodazhi Amazon skladali schonajmenshe polovinu vid usikh onlajn-prodazhiv u SSHA. Tak, idetsja pro odnu z najdorozhchikh publichnikh kompanij u sviti, lidera rinku khmarnikh obchislen i golosovikh tekhnologij. Dlja konkurentiv Amazon neschadnij i griznij. Dlja pokuptsiv -legkij i dedali neobkhidnishij, adzhe Amazon - tse dostup do miljoniv produktiv iz najshvidshim dostavlennjam. A jak schodo dostupu za lashtunki najbilshoji u sviti klijentoorijentovanoji kompaniji? Na vas chekaje chimalo provokativnogo j takogo, pro scho pragnut diznatisja vlasniki velikikh i dribnikh torgovelnikh merezh. Amazon zadaje globalni ritejl-trendi, tozh budte v trendi!