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  3. Comprehensive English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary

Comprehensive English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary

Большой Англо-Русский И Русско-Английский Юридический Словарь Comprehensive English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary
Comprehensive English-Russian and Russian-English Law Dictionary
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The present Dictionary contains over 100 000 terms, combinations, equivalents and meanings related to the following branches of jurisprudence: administrative law, constitutional law, state law, international law, civil law, criminal law, copyright law, patent law, maritime law, etc. The Dictionary comprises the basic terminology of the legal system and the court proceedings. Found in the Dictionary are the terms covering some adjacent to law fields: banking, insurance, crediting, stock market, currency operations, public and personal security and safety, information protection, fight against piracy, etc. All the terms for the present Dictionary were chosen from the specialized literature on law: modern dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, monographs, respective periodicals and some other sources. The Dictionary includes typical Latin expressions which one can come across in the law practice. The Dictionary comprises the terms related both to the American and British law. If some terms usable only in Great Britain are included in the Dictionary, they can be found under the label. The terms from the American law literature are labelled. The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of specialists who work in various fields connected with application of law: jurists, businessmen, bank and notarial office employees, lawyers, realtors, court officials, scientific researchers, as well as of students, postgraduates, instructors and professors of the respective universities, translators of the literature on jurisprudence.
The present Dictionary contains over 100 000 terms, combinations, equivalents and meanings related to the following branches of jurisprudence: administrative law, constitutional law, state law, international law, civil law, criminal law, copyright law, patent law, maritime law, etc. The Dictionary comprises the basic terminology of the legal system and the court proceedings. Found in the Dictionary are the terms covering some adjacent to law fields: banking, insurance, crediting, stock market, currency operations, public and personal security and safety, information protection, fight against piracy, etc. All the terms for the present Dictionary were chosen from the specialized literature on law: modern dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, monographs, respective periodicals and some other sources. The Dictionary includes typical Latin expressions which one can come across in the law practice. The Dictionary comprises the terms related both to the American and British law. If some terms usable only in Great Britain are included in the Dictionary, they can be found under the label. The terms from the American law literature are labelled. The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of specialists who work in various fields connected with application of law: jurists, businessmen, bank and notarial office employees, lawyers, realtors, court officials, scientific researchers, as well as of students, postgraduates, instructors and professors of the respective universities, translators of the literature on jurisprudence.
В словаре содержится свыше 100 000 терминов, сочетаний, эквивалентов и значений из следующих отраслей права: административное, государственное, конституционное, международное, гражданское, уголовное, авторское, патентное, морское и др. В словаре представлена терминология, относящаяся к некоторым смежным областям: банковское дело, страхование, валютнэ операции, общественная и личная безопасность, защита информации, борьба против пиратства и т.д. Словарь предназначен для юристов, предпринимателей, сотрудников банков и агентств недвижимости, работников судов, адвокатских и нотариальных контор, научных работников, а также студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей соответствующих высших учебных заведений и переводчиков юридической литературы.
V slovare soderzhitsja svyshe 100 000 terminov, sochetanij, ekvivalentov i znachenij iz sledujuschikh otraslej prava: administrativnoe, gosudarstvennoe, konstitutsionnoe, mezhdunarodnoe, grazhdanskoe, ugolovnoe, avtorskoe, patentnoe, morskoe i dr. V slovare predstavlena terminologija, otnosjaschajasja k nekotorym smezhnym oblastjam: bankovskoe delo, strakhovanie, valjutne operatsii, obschestvennaja i lichnaja bezopasnost, zaschita informatsii, borba protiv piratstva i t.d. Slovar prednaznachen dlja juristov, predprinimatelej, sotrudnikov bankov i agentstv nedvizhimosti, rabotnikov sudov, advokatskikh i notarialnykh kontor, nauchnykh rabotnikov, a takzhe studentov, aspirantov, prepodavatelej sootvetstvujuschikh vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenij i perevodchikov juridicheskoj literatury.
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