Alexey Mikhailovich Chernogorov (born in 1922) - the Petersburgian composer, author of piano pieces, vocal cycles, orchestral opuses. His style is distinct for clear structures, original melodious turns and brilliant facture discoveries. His piece "The Boogie-Woogie Fan" has won young pianists' hearts for its sparkling humour and dashing technical devices. This time the "Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg" draws your attention to quite the other sphere of the composer's creation. The vocal composition "Ave Maria" to the well-known canonic text was offered to Chernogorov by the Mariinsky Theatre soloist Olga Kondina, who has subsequently performed both Russian and Latin variants of the opus. The composition "Ave Maria" may be ranked amongst the galaxy of other opuses to this text, reverberating ever-existing spiritual values through the mirror of contemporaneity.
Алексей Михайлович Черногоров (род. в 1922) - петербургский композитор, автор фортепианных пьес, вокальных циклов, оркестровых сочинений. Его стилю свойственны ясность формы, оригинальные обороты мелодии, феерические фактурные находки.
"Ave Maria" Алексея Черногорова достойно дополняет галерею отечественных и зарубежных сочинений всех времен на общеизвестный канонический текст, являя слушателям непреходящие духовные ценности в современном преломлении авторского замысла.
Aleksej Mikhajlovich Chernogorov (rod. v 1922) - peterburgskij kompozitor, avtor fortepiannykh pes, vokalnykh tsiklov, orkestrovykh sochinenij. Ego stilju svojstvenny jasnost formy, originalnye oboroty melodii, feericheskie fakturnye nakhodki.
"Ave Maria" Alekseja Chernogorova dostojno dopolnjaet galereju otechestvennykh i zarubezhnykh sochinenij vsekh vremen na obscheizvestnyj kanonicheskij tekst, javljaja slushateljam neprekhodjaschie dukhovnye tsennosti v sovremennom prelomlenii avtorskogo zamysla.