1. Partitions & livres de musique
  2. Partitions: cuivres
  3. Partitions: trompette
  4. Series "Chamber Ensemble in Children music School". Song About the Sea-Devil. From the film "The Amphibian Man". Facilitated arrangement for three trumpets (clarinets) and piano. Piano score and parts

Series "Chamber Ensemble in Children music School". Song About the Sea-Devil. From the film "The Amphibian Man". Facilitated arrangement for three trumpets (clarinets) and piano. Piano score and parts

Песенка о морском дьяволе. Из кинофильма "Человек-амфибия". Легкое переложение для трех труб (кларнетов) и фортепиано. Клавир и партии
Series "Chamber Ensemble in Children music School". Song About the Sea-Devil. From the film "The Amphibian Man". Facilitated arrangement for three trumpets (clarinets) and piano. Piano score and parts
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9.00 € 2.00 € Prix réduit 77.78%
1.82 € hors TVA
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There exists such a unique and inexplicable pleasure for musicians. This very pleasure is called the ensemble music-making. So much music was played in duets, trio, quartets etc. Imagine, it occurred to be the music, which sometimes was not desired to be performed alone! This phenomenon is close now to some free communication, now to some fine harmonious work, now to the kind of competition.
Let's remember the royal persons and the representatives of nobility - the ones, allowed to choose entertainments for themselves. So many compositions for ensemble were ordered or accepted by them as the presents. It was so great to perform such presents together with the other musicians. Remember the flute of Friedrich the Great, or the string baritone of the Prince Eszterhazy.
The ensemble playing is not just practice, it's also a good incentive, especially if the piece is not hackneyed, being altogether not very difficult and melodious with the hint of harum-scarum air. Therefore we'd like to offer such a collection (consisting of the popular melodies' arrangements referring to different times and countries). The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg represents the series "Chamber Ensemble in Children's Music School". This is altogether a manual and the entertainment for the idleness of those, who enjoy playing chamber music.
There exists such a unique and inexplicable pleasure for musicians. This very pleasure is called the ensemble music-making. So much music was played in duets, trio, quartets etc. Imagine, it occurred to be the music, which sometimes was not desired to be performed alone! This phenomenon is close now to some free communication, now to some fine harmonious work, now to the kind of competition.
Let's remember the royal persons and the representatives of nobility - the ones, allowed to choose entertainments for themselves. So many compositions for ensemble were ordered or accepted by them as the presents. It was so great to perform such presents together with the other musicians. Remember the flute of Friedrich the Great, or the string baritone of the Prince Eszterhazy.
The ensemble playing is not just practice, it's also a good incentive, especially if the piece is not hackneyed, being altogether not very difficult and melodious with the hint of harum-scarum air. Therefore we'd like to offer such a collection (consisting of the popular melodies' arrangements referring to different times and countries). The Compozitor Publishing House * Saint-Petersburg represents the series "Chamber Ensemble in Children's Music School". This is altogether a manual and the entertainment for the idleness of those, who enjoy playing chamber music.
Есть у музыкантов неповторимое и необъяснимое удовольствие - ансамблевое музицирование. Сколько музыки было сыграно в дуэтах, трио, квартетах и т. д. - той музыки, за которую почему-то не хотелось браться в одиночку! Это сродни и вольному общению, и красивой слаженной работе, и соревнованию.
Вспомним: царствующие особы и аристократы - а они могли выбирать! - заказывали или принимали в подарок множество ансамблевых сочинений, которые можно поиграть на своем любимом инструменте в компании с другими музыкантами (взять хотя бы флейту Фридриха Великого или струнный баритон князя Эстергази).
Для юного музыканта игра в ансамбле - не только необходимый навык, но и прекрасный стимул. Особенно если пьеса не заиграна.
Издательство "Композитор * Санкт-Петербург" представляет серию "Камерный ансамбль в детской музыкальной школе". Эти ноты - учебное пособие, и развлечение на досуге для всех начинающих инструменталистов.
Est u muzykantov nepovtorimoe i neobjasnimoe udovolstvie - ansamblevoe muzitsirovanie. Skolko muzyki bylo sygrano v duetakh, trio, kvartetakh i t. d. - toj muzyki, za kotoruju pochemu-to ne khotelos bratsja v odinochku! Eto srodni i volnomu obscheniju, i krasivoj slazhennoj rabote, i sorevnovaniju.
Vspomnim: tsarstvujuschie osoby i aristokraty - a oni mogli vybirat! - zakazyvali ili prinimali v podarok mnozhestvo ansamblevykh sochinenij, kotorye mozhno poigrat na svoem ljubimom instrumente v kompanii s drugimi muzykantami (vzjat khotja by flejtu Fridrikha Velikogo ili strunnyj bariton knjazja Estergazi).
Dlja junogo muzykanta igra v ansamble - ne tolko neobkhodimyj navyk, no i prekrasnyj stimul. Osobenno esli pesa ne zaigrana.
Izdatelstvo "Kompozitor * Sankt-Peterburg" predstavljaet seriju "Kamernyj ansambl v detskoj muzykalnoj shkole". Eti noty - uchebnoe posobie, i razvlechenie na dosuge dlja vsekh nachinajuschikh instrumentalistov.
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