St Petersburg: Heritage at Risk is the fourth joint report by MAPS and SAVE Europe's Heritage and is dedicated to one of the world's most beautiful cities. The report outlines the threats to St Petersburg's built heritage where over 120 historic buildings have been lost in the last 12 years. Published to coincide with the 34th Session of UNESCO that took place in St Petersburg this summer, this bilingual, lavishly illustrated book, emphasises St Petersburg's greatness as a classical city, but also shows the importance of the city's industrial and Soviet heritage, much of which is shamefully undervalued today. Most disturbing are the examples of abandoned and disintegrating palaces outside the city - ignored by the tourist trail. The report underlines the need to respect the city's historic skyline and its status as a World Heritage Site; it includes a survey of threatened and lost buildings, a debate on new construction in the historic city, a history of the extraordinary campaign to protect buildings in St Petersburg and recommendations for improvements to legislation.
by Minchenok Elena, Binni Markus Margolis Aleksandr (Author)
St Petersburg: Heritage at Risk is the fourth joint report by MAPS and SAVE Europe's Heritage and is dedicated to one of the world's most beautiful cities. The report outlines the threats to St Petersburg's built heritage where over 120 historic buildings have been lost in the last 12 years. Published to coincide with the 34th Session of UNESCO that took place in St Petersburg this summer, this bilingual, lavishly illustrated book, emphasises St Petersburg's greatness as a classical city, but also shows the importance of the city's industrial and Soviet heritage, much of which is shamefully undervalued today. Most disturbing are the examples of abandoned and disintegrating palaces outside the city - ignored by the tourist trail. The report underlines the need to respect the city's historic skyline and its status as a World Heritage Site; it includes a survey of threatened and lost buildings, a debate on new construction in the historic city, a history of the extraordinary campaign to protect buildings in St Petersburg and recommendations for improvements to legislation.
"Этот международный отчет громко бьет тревогу - уникальный город мирового значения не должен повторить судьбу изуродованной Москвы. Он призывает архитекторов и всех тех, кто действует на авансцене развития Санкт-Петербурга в начале XXI века, к осознанию скромности их роли - а это требует высочайшей внутренней и профессиональной культуры". Наталия Душкина, профессор
Составители Елена Минченок, Клементина Сесил
St Petersburg: Heritage at Risk is the fourth joint report by MAPS and SAVE Europe's Heritage and is dedicated to one of the world's most beautiful cities. The report outlines the threats to St Petersburg's built heritage where over 120 historic buildings have been lost in the last 12 years. Published to coincide with the 34th Session of UNESCO that took place in St Petersburg this summer, this bilingual, lavishly illustrated book, emphasises St Petersburg's greatness as a classical city, but also shows the importance of the city's industrial and Soviet heritage, much of which is shamefully undervalued today. Most disturbing are the examples of abandoned and disintegrating palaces outside the city - ignored by the tourist trail. The report underlines the need to respect the city's historic skyline and its status as a World Heritage Site; it includes a survey of threatened and lost buildings, a debate on new construction in the historic city, a history of the extraordinary campaign to protect buildings in St Petersburg and recommendations for improvements to legislation.
"Etot mezhdunarodnyj otchet gromko bet trevogu - unikalnyj gorod mirovogo znachenija ne dolzhen povtorit sudbu izurodovannoj Moskvy. On prizyvaet arkhitektorov i vsekh tekh, kto dejstvuet na avanstsene razvitija Sankt-Peterburga v nachale XXI veka, k osoznaniju skromnosti ikh roli - a eto trebuet vysochajshej vnutrennej i professionalnoj kultury". Natalija Dushkina, professor
Sostaviteli Elena Minchenok, Klementina Sesil
St Petersburg: Heritage at Risk is the fourth joint report by MAPS and SAVE Europe's Heritage and is dedicated to one of the world's most beautiful cities. The report outlines the threats to St Petersburg's built heritage where over 120 historic buildings have been lost in the last 12 years. Published to coincide with the 34th Session of UNESCO that took place in St Petersburg this summer, this bilingual, lavishly illustrated book, emphasises St Petersburg's greatness as a classical city, but also shows the importance of the city's industrial and Soviet heritage, much of which is shamefully undervalued today. Most disturbing are the examples of abandoned and disintegrating palaces outside the city - ignored by the tourist trail. The report underlines the need to respect the city's historic skyline and its status as a World Heritage Site; it includes a survey of threatened and lost buildings, a debate on new construction in the historic city, a history of the extraordinary campaign to protect buildings in St Petersburg and recommendations for improvements to legislation.