DON'T MAKE AN IDOL OF... The book introduces one of the most popular modern writers. It containsnot adapted text, comments, pre text exercises, keys to the exercises, vocabulary list and illustrations.
Level B2. Lexical minimum 3000 words.
DON'T MAKE AN IDOL OF... The book introduces one of the most popular modern writers. It containsnot adapted text, comments, pre text exercises, keys to the exercises, vocabulary list and illustrations.
Level B2. Lexical minimum 3000 words.
Неадаптированный рассказ популярного современного автора (более 3000 слов, II сертификационный уровень (В2)). Лексические и страноведческие комментарии, тестовые задания, ключи, словарь, иллюстрации.
Лексический минимум - 3000 слов.
Neadaptirovannyj rasskaz populjarnogo sovremennogo avtora (bolee 3000 slov, II sertifikatsionnyj uroven (V2)). Leksicheskie i stranovedcheskie kommentarii, testovye zadanija, kljuchi, slovar, illjustratsii.
Leksicheskij minimum - 3000 slov.