The adapted text of the novel written by popular modern Russian writer. The manual for 2nd level (the second certified level (B2), more than 3000 words) contains comments, test tasks, the dictionary, illustrations.
Level B2. Lexical minimum 3000 words.
The adapted text of the novel written by popular modern Russian writer. The manual for 2nd level (the second certified level (B2), more than 3000 words) contains comments, test tasks, the dictionary, illustrations.
Level B2. Lexical minimum 3000 words.
Неадаптированный рассказ популярного автора (более 3000 слов, II сертификационный уровень (В2)). Лексические и страноведческие комментарии, тестовые задания, ключи, словарь, иллюстрации.
Лексический минимум - 3000 слов.
Neadaptirovannyj rasskaz populjarnogo avtora (bolee 3000 slov, II sertifikatsionnyj uroven (V2)). Leksicheskie i stranovedcheskie kommentarii, testovye zadanija, kljuchi, slovar, illjustratsii.
Leksicheskij minimum - 3000 slov.