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  2. Teorija gravitatsionnogo Mirozdanija=Theory of gravitational Universe. (Aspirantura). Monografija

Teorija gravitatsionnogo Mirozdanija=Theory of gravitational Universe. (Aspirantura). Monografija

Теория гравитационного Мироздания=Theory of gravitational Universe. (Аспирантура). Монография
Teorija gravitatsionnogo Mirozdanija=Theory of gravitational Universe. (Aspirantura). Monografija
215/145 mm
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Здесь освещены важнейшие вопросы астрономии и космологии в соответствии с нашей физической Теорией гравитационного Мироздания. В них научно обосновано и прозрачно изложены природа и механизмы взаимодействия всех основных процессов во Вселенной, в том числе рождение элементарных частиц, рождение звезд, черных дыр, галактик и самой Вселенной. Раскрыты механизмы возбуждения индивидуальной и космологической гравитации, рождения под их влиянием четырех неделимых и четырех составных из них элементарных частиц. Доказана ошибочность ряда представлений о Природе и открыт ряд новых законов.Here, the most important issues of astronomy and cosmology are highlighted in accordance with our physical Theory of the gravitational Universe. They scientifically and transparently outline the nature and mechanisms of interaction of all the basic processes in the Universe, including the birth of elementary particles, the birth of stars, black holes, galaxies and the Universe itself. . The mechanisms of the excitation of individual and cosmological gravity, the birth under their influence of four indivisible and four elementary particles of them are disclosed. The fallacy of a number of ideas about Nature is proved and a number of new laws are discovered.
Zdes osvescheny vazhnejshie voprosy astronomii i kosmologii v sootvetstvii s nashej fizicheskoj Teoriej gravitatsionnogo Mirozdanija. V nikh nauchno obosnovano i prozrachno izlozheny priroda i mekhanizmy vzaimodejstvija vsekh osnovnykh protsessov vo Vselennoj, v tom chisle rozhdenie elementarnykh chastits, rozhdenie zvezd, chernykh dyr, galaktik i samoj Vselennoj. Raskryty mekhanizmy vozbuzhdenija individualnoj i kosmologicheskoj gravitatsii, rozhdenija pod ikh vlijaniem chetyrekh nedelimykh i chetyrekh sostavnykh iz nikh elementarnykh chastits. Dokazana oshibochnost rjada predstavlenij o Prirode i otkryt rjad novykh zakonov.Here, the most important issues of astronomy and cosmology are highlighted in accordance with our physical Theory of the gravitational Universe. They scientifically and transparently outline the nature and mechanisms of interaction of all the basic processes in the Universe, including the birth of elementary particles, the birth of stars, black holes, galaxies and the Universe itself. . The mechanisms of the excitation of individual and cosmological gravity, the birth under their influence of four indivisible and four elementary particles of them are disclosed. The fallacy of a number of ideas about Nature is proved and a number of new laws are discovered.