1. Bücher
  2. Lehrbücher und -material
  3. Russisches Lehrbuch
  4. Russische Lehrbücher für Anfänger. Niveau A1
  5. Lestnitsa Steps. Living Russian for businessmen travelling to Russia for the first time. Includes a CD.

Lestnitsa Steps. Living Russian for businessmen travelling to Russia for the first time. Includes a CD.

Лестница Steps. Цена включает CD-диск.
Lestnitsa Steps. Living Russian for businessmen travelling to Russia for the first time. Includes a CD.
320/215/18 mm
0.36 kg
Benachrichtigen wenn verfügbar Auf meinen Merkzettel hinzufügen
English version edited by Pirjo Salenius.
The Lestnitsa Steps book is a compact survival package for a business trip to Russia.
The first part of the book and the CD contain alphabetical exercises and dialogue material, which offer the most common oral exercises for language usage for an eight-day trip to Russia.
The second part of the book (the cultural assimilator) describes 12 cases from business life, which will train business people to understand the Russian people better and to act correctly when communicating with Russians.
The book is highly suitable for personnel training in companies, university education as well as for adult education. This book is also of great assistance for use as self-instruction.
The author, Prof. Dr. Anatoli Berditchevski, is an expert in teaching Russian business and language.
"Learning Russian with "Lestnitsa. Steps" book you get the feeling you are actually inside a transparent lift that takes you rapidly above the difficulties that we oldtimers used to face when learning Russian from textbooks designed for the last century. I definitely recommend the book to all our clients anxious for a head start into Russia"
Jon Hellevig, Managing Partner, Hellevig, Klein & Usov
Venäjän kielen alkeisoppikirja Lestnitsa on tiivis selviytymispaketti liikematkalle Venäjälle.
Kirjan ensimmäinen osa sekä CD sisältävät aakkosharjoituksia ja dialogimateriaalia, jotka harjoittavat tavallisimpia suullisia kielenkäyttötilanteita kahdeksan päivän Venäjän matkan aikana.
Kirjan toisessa osassa on kuvattu 12 liike-elämän tilannetta, joiden avulla valmennetaan liikemiehiä ymmärtämään venäläisiä ja toimimaan oikein kanssakäymisessä venäläisten kanssa.
Kirja sopii mainiosti yritysten henkilöstökoulutukseen, korkeakouluopetukseen sekä muuhun aikuisopetukseen.

"Learning Russian with "Steps" book you get the feeling you are actually inside a transparent lift that takes you rapidly above the difficulties that we oldtimers used to face when learning Russian from textbooks designed for the last century.
I definitely recommend the book to all our clients anxious for a head start into Russia"
Jon Hellevig, Managing Partner, Hellevig, Klein & Usov
"Лестница-Steps" - учебное пособие, представляющее собой курс выживания для (будущих) бизнесменов, впервые выезжающих в Россию, которые хотят в короткий срок овладеть основами общения на русском языке и познакомиться с особенностями русской культуры.
Приложение содержит специальный межкультурный тренинг, в котором описываются конфликтные ситуации, в которые попадает бизнесмен в России, и показываются пути их преодоления.
Основная особенность пособия, отличающая его от других имеющихся на книжном рынке пособий, состоит в том, что при его разработке учитывались особенности памяти взрослого человека при усвоении иностранного языка.
Автором книги является профессор Института международных экономических связей Бургенланда (Австрия) Анатолий Бердичевский - известный методист, автор многочисленных учебников по русскому языку для иностранцев.

"Learning Russian with "ЛЕСТНИЦА. Steps" book you get the feeling you are actually inside a transparent lift that takes you rapidly above the difficulties that we oldtimers used to face when learning Russian from textbooks designed for the last century.
I definitely recommend the book to all our clients anxious for a head start into Russia"
Jon Hellevig, Managing Partner, Hellevig, Klein & Usov
"Lestnitsa-Steps" - uchebnoe posobie, predstavljajuschee soboj kurs vyzhivanija dlja (buduschikh) biznesmenov, vpervye vyezzhajuschikh v Rossiju, kotorye khotjat v korotkij srok ovladet osnovami obschenija na russkom jazyke i poznakomitsja s osobennostjami russkoj kultury.
Prilozhenie soderzhit spetsialnyj mezhkulturnyj trening, v kotorom opisyvajutsja konfliktnye situatsii, v kotorye popadaet biznesmen v Rossii, i pokazyvajutsja puti ikh preodolenija.
Osnovnaja osobennost posobija, otlichajuschaja ego ot drugikh imejuschikhsja na knizhnom rynke posobij, sostoit v tom, chto pri ego razrabotke uchityvalis osobennosti pamjati vzroslogo cheloveka pri usvoenii inostrannogo jazyka.
Avtorom knigi javljaetsja professor Instituta mezhdunarodnykh ekonomicheskikh svjazej Burgenlanda (Avstrija) Anatolij Berdichevskij - izvestnyj metodist, avtor mnogochislennykh uchebnikov po russkomu jazyku dlja inostrantsev.

"Learning Russian with "LESTNITSA. Steps" book you get the feeling you are actually inside a transparent lift that takes you rapidly above the difficulties that we oldtimers used to face when learning Russian from textbooks designed for the last century.
I definitely recommend the book to all our clients anxious for a head start into Russia"
Jon Hellevig, Managing Partner, Hellevig, Klein & Usov
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