Russian verbs: dictionary with notebook .
This dictionary presents Russian verbs organized in pairs in the alphabetic order under indication of their main conjugating forms and syntactical accordance. The dictionary is supplied with the sentence examples which can be used in connection with verbs given in the book. The students can make their notes right in it. It saves much time.
The aim of this dictionary is to teach the students the main form of the Russian verbs and help to understand their meanings and their role in the sentence. The book is supplied with tests and keys.
Цель пособия - помочь студентам усвоить значение и основные формы русских глаголов и осознать их роль в предложении при построении самостоятельного высказывания на русском языке, так как глагол является смысловым ядром русского предложения как основной единицы обучения и функционирования в речи.
Tsel posobija - pomoch studentam usvoit znachenie i osnovnye formy russkikh glagolov i osoznat ikh rol v predlozhenii pri postroenii samostojatelnogo vyskazyvanija na russkom jazyke, tak kak glagol javljaetsja smyslovym jadrom russkogo predlozhenija kak osnovnoj edinitsy obuchenija i funktsionirovanija v rechi.