The book presents a vision of general problems of stylistics and offers a stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Along with a description of phonetic, lexical and lexical-phraseological expressive means, it reviews different syntactical expressive means and problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence. A chapter is dedicated to give a classification of functional styles of the English language. A set of illustrative texts is presented. The book is recommended to students of foreign languages and philology departments. В учебнике излагаются общие проблемы английской стилистики, дается стилистическая классификация словарного состава английского языка. Описываются фонетические, лексические и лексико-фразеологические выразительные средства; рассматриваются синтаксические выразительные средства и проблемы лингвистической композиции отрезков высказывания, выходящих за пределы предложения. Одна из глав посвящена выделению и классификации...
The book presents a vision of general problems of stylistics and offers a stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Along with a description of phonetic, lexical and lexical-phraseological expressive means, it reviews different syntactical expressive means and problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence. A chapter is dedicated to give a classification of functional styles of the English language. A set of illustrative texts is presented. The book is recommended to students of foreign languages and philology departments. V uchebnike izlagajutsja obschie problemy anglijskoj stilistiki, daetsja stilisticheskaja klassifikatsija slovarnogo sostava anglijskogo jazyka. Opisyvajutsja foneticheskie, leksicheskie i leksiko-frazeologicheskie vyrazitelnye sredstva; rassmatrivajutsja sintaksicheskie vyrazitelnye sredstva i problemy lingvisticheskoj kompozitsii otrezkov vyskazyvanija, vykhodjaschikh za predely predlozhenija. Odna iz glav posvjaschena vydeleniju i klassifikatsii...