Violinist's Music Folder 1. Elementary School. Exercises and Scales. Etudes. Pieces and Ensembles. Concertos.
Including 3 books and a CD with piano accompaniment. Accompaniment on CD - without...
По отзывам многих профессионалов, транскрипция музыки Петра Ильича Чайковского "Детский альбом" является новаторской работой народного артиста России, профессора Анатолия Васильевича Иванова. Особый подход...
Transposition for singing with the author's piano. Text in Russian, French and German. Opera based on the story by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Finished in 1916.
The dear old tradition of creating the special learn repertory was introduced by J.S. Bach himself with his "Anna Magdalena notebook" having aimed this incomparable work at children's education and learning...
2. Е. Grieg. ABIETTA
3. W. Andreef. NOCTURNE
4. J. Haydn. SERENADE
5. A. Krasnostovsciy. FATALE BEGEGNUNG
6. M. Moschkovsky. SERENADE
7. G. F....
"Лоэнгрин" - одно из ярчайших произведений мировой оперной классики. В основу либретто, написанного самим композитором, были положены средневековые легенды и саги о рыцаре Святого Грааля.
"Волшебная флейта", написанная в традициях зингшпиля на немецкий текст, - последнее и любимейшее творение В. А. Моцарта. Премьера оперы, которой дирижировал сам автор, состоялась 30 сентября 1791 года,...
This lyrical song cycle, composed by Beethoven in 1816, is the earliest work of a genre that flourished in the romantic era. The cycle consists of six songs performed attacca and united by a common subject....
Completed and revised editions with additional material. Pupils will become acquainted with the major and natural minor scales, which are built on the natural notes. The main purpose, in addition to playing...
An die Freude. Worte von J. Uz
Oiseaux, si tous les ans... Paroles d' A. Ferrand
Sei du mein Trost... Worte von J. Hermes
Котт, liebe Zither...
Der Zauberer. Worte von...
Completed and revised editions with additional material. Pupils become acquainted with chromatically altered tones and with major and natural minor scales based on them.
"Der Rosenkavalier" ("The Knight of the Rose") - opera in three acts by Richard Strauss to a libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal was firstly staged in Dresden on January 26, 1911, conducted by E. Schuch....
Die Grundlage für dieses Lehrwerk bildet die Methode mit Hilfe von Liedern eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, die schon lange und erfolgreich in vielen Schulcn Europas und Amerikas eingesetzt wird. Lieder sind...
Der Konig und sein Heer
Die Prinzessin
Der Konigsnarr
Der Folkstanz
Das Wiegenlied
Auf dem Ball
Wunderbare Verwandlung
Der Prinz und Hochzeitsfanfaren...
Arnold Nevolovich (rod. v 1953) - kompozitor, mnogo pishuschij dlja kamernykh instrumentalnykh sostavov, avtor simfonicheskoj, vokalnoj i khorovoj muzyki, a takzhe populjarnykh detskikh mjuziklov i pes.