Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein (1829-1894) was a Russian pianist, composer, conductor, and musical and public figure.
He created five piano concertos between 1850 and 1874. Cultivating large instrumental forms, Rubinstein paved the way for the later peak achievements of Russian composers, particularly in the genre of the piano concerto. Among Rubinstein's concertos, the Fourth stands out, being included in the repertoire of Nikolai Rubinstein, Hans von Bülow, Anna Esipova, Ferruccio Busoni, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and many other outstanding pianists. The concerto remains one of the composer's most frequently performed works to this day.
His preceptors were A. I. Villuan (piano), S. Dehn (theoretical disciplines). Rubinstein hit all marks as the greatest pianist ever heard. That was true dramatic force and mighty stamina to have imbibed his piano style. “He was the most supernatural, brilliant executant, striking by spry spirit and inexhaustible poetical imagination, the one inherent to nobody but his elder contemporary and friend Liszt” - wrote V. V. Stasov, the Russian musical criticist. Anton Rubinstein is also distinct for his educational activity. Such institutions as Vocal Academy (1858), Russian Musical Society (1859), Petersburg Conservatoire (1862) - the first one in Russia - were founded due to Rubinstein’s initiative. During the period of 1885-1886 there were held the cycles of “Historical Concerts” organized by Rubinstein via many European countries. Listeners had a chance to undertake the kind of excursion to the very birth of clavier music on the border of the 16th-17th centuries and follow the piano music evolution together with Rubinstein. The outstanding master’s heritage embraces operas (secular and ecclesiastic ones), oratorios, the ballet, 6 symphonies, piano concertos, violin concerto, 10 string quartets, 5 piano trios, piano quintet, numerous vocal compositions and piano pieces.
As to the five piano concertos they refer to the period of 1850-1874. Rubinstein seemed to “nurse” and nurture large-scaled instrumental forms thus anticipating the later apexes attained by the Russian composers in the piano concerto genre. The Fourth Concerto for piano and orchestra was marked by such distinguished executants as Nikolai Rubinstein, Hans von Bülow, Anna Yesipova, Feruccio Busoni, Sergei Rachmaninov and others. Even nowadays it’s widely and frequently performed. The Fourth Concerto in D minor op. 70 was written and first performed in 1864 and published in piano score in 1866. Subsequently, the author made a number of amendments (the texture of the piano part, the performance instructions, and also the orchestral part in the second half of the coda of the first part were changed in some places), which were included in the second edition (published in 1872).
Антон Григорьевич Рубинштейн (1829-1894) -русский пианист, композитор, дирижер, музыкально-общественный деятель.
Пять фортепианных концертов созданы им в период с 1850 по 1874 годы. Культивируя крупные инструментальные формы, Рубинштейн подготовил почву для позднейших вершинных достижений русских композиторов - в частности, в жанре фортепианного концерта. Среди концертов Рубинштейна особо выделяется Четвертый, входивший в репертуар Николая Рубинштейна, Ганса фон Бюлова, Анны Есиповой, Ферруччо Бузони, Сергея Рахманинова и многих других выдающихся пианистов. Концерт и поныне остается одним из наиболее часто исполняемых произведений композитора.
Четвертый концерт d-moll op. 70 написан и впервые исполнен в 1864 году, издан в клавире в 1866 году. Впоследствии автор внес ряд поправок (изменены в некоторых местах фактура фортепианной партии, исполнительские указания, а также партия оркестра во второй половине коды первой части), вошедших во вторую редакцию (опубликована в 1872-м).
Anton Grigorevich Rubinshtejn (1829-1894) -russkij pianist, kompozitor, dirizher, muzykalno-obschestvennyj dejatel.
Pjat fortepiannykh kontsertov sozdany im v period s 1850 po 1874 gody. Kultiviruja krupnye instrumentalnye formy, Rubinshtejn podgotovil pochvu dlja pozdnejshikh vershinnykh dostizhenij russkikh kompozitorov - v chastnosti, v zhanre fortepiannogo kontserta. Sredi kontsertov Rubinshtejna osobo vydeljaetsja Chetvertyj, vkhodivshij v repertuar Nikolaja Rubinshtejna, Gansa fon Bjulova, Anny Esipovoj, Ferruchcho Buzoni, Sergeja Rakhmaninova i mnogikh drugikh vydajuschikhsja pianistov. Kontsert i ponyne ostaetsja odnim iz naibolee chasto ispolnjaemykh proizvedenij kompozitora.
Chetvertyj kontsert d-moll op. 70 napisan i vpervye ispolnen v 1864 godu, izdan v klavire v 1866 godu. Vposledstvii avtor vnes rjad popravok (izmeneny v nekotorykh mestakh faktura fortepiannoj partii, ispolnitelskie ukazanija, a takzhe partija orkestra vo vtoroj polovine kody pervoj chasti), voshedshikh vo vtoruju redaktsiju (opublikovana v 1872-m).