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  4. Maslenitsa. Shrovetide. The script of the holiday, songs and poems (venäjänkielinen)

Maslenitsa. Shrovetide. The script of the holiday, songs and poems (venäjänkielinen)

Масленица. Сценарий праздника, песни и стихи.
Maslenitsa. Shrovetide. The script of the holiday, songs and poems (venäjänkielinen)
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The publication was prepared by Larissa Albertovna Yartovoy - highly qualified teacher, the author of numerous didactic-educational programs for children. The script of the holiday is designed for children from 6 to 12 years.
Shrovetide is one of the oldest Russian national holidays associated with the seeing-off the winter and the beginning of the new agricultural cycle. The scenario included folk songs, poems, jokes, rhymes and melodies of L.A Yartovoy on the basis of folk lyrics. Publication is equipped with illustrations that convey the spirit of the holiday. The author gives brief guidelines:

For the holiday decoration is recommended to use the most simple and accessible means: bright colored tape, light-colored fabric, "pancakes" drawn on paper, a samovar. You can put a bench, a spinning wheel, hang up the samovar bagels, bags, bagels. However, do not clutter the site much as the most striking part should remain the children's performance. Costumes - Russian folk: tunics, shirts, douillettes, hats and shoes - should not hamper children while dancing. Number of children, participating in the celebration, and the distribution of words is regulated by the adult (musical employee, director, etc.). Use the initiative of the children in preparation for the holiday.
Designed for teachers and musical workers of kindergartens, educational, musical and Sunday schools and other children's educational institutions.
The publication was prepared by Larissa Albertovna Yartovoy - highly qualified teacher, the author of numerous didactic-educational programs for children. The script of the holiday is designed for children from 6 to 12 years.
Shrovetide is one of the oldest Russian national holidays associated with the seeing-off the winter and the beginning of the new agricultural cycle. The scenario included folk songs, poems, jokes, rhymes and melodies of L.A Yartovoy on the basis of folk lyrics. Publication is equipped with illustrations that convey the spirit of the holiday. The author gives brief guidelines:

For the holiday decoration is recommended to use the most simple and accessible means: bright colored tape, light-colored fabric, "pancakes" drawn on paper, a samovar. You can put a bench, a spinning wheel, hang up the samovar bagels, bags, bagels. However, do not clutter the site much as the most striking part should remain the children's performance. Costumes - Russian folk: tunics, shirts, douillettes, hats and shoes - should not hamper children while dancing. Number of children, participating in the celebration, and the distribution of words is regulated by the adult (musical employee, director, etc.). Use the initiative of the children in preparation for the holiday.
Designed for teachers and musical workers of kindergartens, educational, musical and Sunday schools and other children's educational institutions.
Автор-состовитель Л. А. Яртова. / 20 страниц, брошюра. / 2013.
Издание подготовлено Ларисой Альбертовной Яртовой - педагогом высшей квалификации, автором многочисленных развивающе-обучающих программ для детей. Сценарий праздника разработан для детей от 6 до 12 лет.
Масленица - один из древнейших русских народных праздников, связанный с проводами зимы и наступлением нового земледельческого цикла. В сценарий включены народные песни, стихи, шутки, прибаутки, а также мелодии Л. А. Яртовой на народные слова. Издание снабжено иллюстрациями, передающими дух праздника. Автор дает краткие методические указания:
Для оформления праздника рекомендуется использовать самые простые и доступные средства: яркие цветные ленты, легкие однотонные ткани, нарисованные на бумаге "блины", бутафорский самовар. Можно поставить скамью, прялку, развесить на самоваре баранки, сумки, бублики. Однако, не стоит сильно загромождать площадку, поскольку самым ярким должно остаться выступление детей. Костюмы - русские народные: сарафаны, косоворотки, душегрейки, головные уборы и обувь - не должны стеснять движения детей во время танцев. Количество участвующих в празднике детей и распределение слов регулирует взрослый (музыкальный работник, руководитель и т.д.). Используйте также инициативу самих детей в подготовке к празднику.

Предназначен для преподавателей и музыкальных работников детских садов, общеобразовательных, музыкальных и воскресных школ и других детских учебных заведений.
Avtor-sostovitel L. A. Jartova. / 20 stranits, broshjura. / 2013.
Izdanie podgotovleno Larisoj Albertovnoj Jartovoj - pedagogom vysshej kvalifikatsii, avtorom mnogochislennykh razvivajusche-obuchajuschikh programm dlja detej. Stsenarij prazdnika razrabotan dlja detej ot 6 do 12 let.
Maslenitsa - odin iz drevnejshikh russkikh narodnykh prazdnikov, svjazannyj s provodami zimy i nastupleniem novogo zemledelcheskogo tsikla. V stsenarij vkljucheny narodnye pesni, stikhi, shutki, pribautki, a takzhe melodii L. A. Jartovoj na narodnye slova. Izdanie snabzheno illjustratsijami, peredajuschimi dukh prazdnika. Avtor daet kratkie metodicheskie ukazanija:
Dlja oformlenija prazdnika rekomenduetsja ispolzovat samye prostye i dostupnye sredstva: jarkie tsvetnye lenty, legkie odnotonnye tkani, narisovannye na bumage "bliny", butaforskij samovar. Mozhno postavit skamju, prjalku, razvesit na samovare baranki, sumki, bubliki. Odnako, ne stoit silno zagromozhdat ploschadku, poskolku samym jarkim dolzhno ostatsja vystuplenie detej. Kostjumy - russkie narodnye: sarafany, kosovorotki, dushegrejki, golovnye ubory i obuv - ne dolzhny stesnjat dvizhenija detej vo vremja tantsev. Kolichestvo uchastvujuschikh v prazdnike detej i raspredelenie slov reguliruet vzroslyj (muzykalnyj rabotnik, rukovoditel i t.d.). Ispolzujte takzhe initsiativu samikh detej v podgotovke k prazdniku.

Prednaznachen dlja prepodavatelej i muzykalnykh rabotnikov detskikh sadov, obscheobrazovatelnykh, muzykalnykh i voskresnykh shkol i drugikh detskikh uchebnykh zavedenij.
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