Sixty years passed since Aram Hachaturyan’s “Album for Children” had undergone its publication in 1947. Several generations of musicians were bred. Actually every one of them got in touch with these little...
Издание содержит популярные в концертно-педагогической практике фортепианные сочинения композитора-классика XX века Арама Хачатуряна.
Адресуется студентам музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также концертирующим...
Три вальса, изданные в предлагаемом сборнике, - любимая музыка многих и многих поколений слушателей. Мелодии этих вальсов известны всем, и даже тем, кто...
Sixty years passed since Aram Hachaturyan’s “Album for Children” had undergone its publication in 1947. Several generations of musicians were bred. Actually every one of them got in touch with these little...
"Осенью 2017 года ко мне обратился мой давний друг, профессор Московской государственной консерватории им. П. И. Чайковского Александр Винницкий, с просьбой сделать аранжировку Адажио из балета "Спартак"...
This collection includes piano transcriptions of several well-known pieces by Khachaturyan. For senior pupils of children's music schools and students of music colleges, as well as for music lovers.
Masterpieces of Piano Transcription Vol. 49. Dmitry RATSER. Rachmaninov - Vocalise, Bizet - Fantasia on three themes from the opera "Carmen", Khachaturian - Andante from the ballet Spartak.
Яркое, эффектное сочинение выдающегося композитора XX века Арама Хачатуряна. Это одно из самых популярных произведений в репертуаре учащихся средних классов ДМШ.
"Детский альбом" - цикл фортепианных миниатюр в двух тетрадях, написанных композитором в 1947 и 1967 годах. Содержит разнохарактерные, выразительные пьесы, адресованные как начинающим, так и ученикам старших...
The collection includes piano works by the outstanding 20th century composer Aram Khachaturyan often heard in concerts and widely used in educational practice.
For students of music colleges and conservatoires,...
Aram Khachaturyan's vocal triptych (Poem, Legend, Dithyramb) to words by Armenian poets in Russian translations by V. Bryusov, K. Balmont and A. Umanets was composed in 1946. The work is dedicated to the...
Aram Ilyich Hachaturyan (1903–1978) is truly considered to be the classic of the Russian music ever living in the 20th century. Among his creations there are numerous drama, symphony and chamber compositions,...
1. Андантино
2. Сегодня запрещено гулять
3. Лядо серьезно заболел
4. В день рождения
5. Этюд
6. Музыкальная картина
7. Конница
8. Инвенция. Адажио из балета "Гаянэ"
This work, written in 1926 by one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, was previously unpublished. For students of music colleges and conservatoires, as well as for professional performers.
В издание включены сочинения композитора-классика XX века: Песня-поэма и Танец. Для студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также для концертирующих исполнителей.
Aram Ilyich Hachaturyan (1903–1978) is truly considered to be the classic of the Russian music ever living in the 20th century. Among his creations there are numerous drama, symphony and chamber compositions,...
Aram Ilyich Hachaturyan (1903–1978) is truly considered to be the classic of the Russian music ever living in the 20th century. Among his creations there are numerous drama, symphony and chamber compositions,...
Aram Ilyich Hachaturyan (1903–1978) is truly considered to be the classic of the Russian music ever living in the 20th century. Among his creations there are numerous drama, symphony and chamber compositions,...