It is very interesting! Book, methodical book in PDF format and CD
Reading-book for both reading with the adult and independent child reading. Consists of four parts. Illustrations. There is an audio-supplement...
THE VERB IS THE BASE OF ALL. A Guide-dictionary. Issue 2. A Guide-dictionary includes 476 vocabulary entries and bases on LEXICAL MINIMUM. Level One. Every entry contains forms of perfective and imperfective...
Level: B1
HOW TO SAY "NO". Expressions of the negative in Russian. The textbook in aimed to advanced Russian learners (Levels I-II). It widens your theoretical knowledge about ways of expressing the negation,...
PRESENT -DAY RUSSIA. Texts and exercises. 25 texts from Russian newspapers about youth culture, attitudes to work, modes of entertainment and social problems in contemporary Russia. All materials are...
Аудиоприложение к первой части (уровень A1) основного курса русского языка для взрослых учащихся раличных форм обучения . Тексты, диалоги, фонетические упражнения озвучены профессиональными дикторами....
Аудиоприложение ко второй части (уровень А2) основного курса русского языка для взрослых учащихся различных форм обучения "Дорога в Россию".
Тексты, диалоги и фонетические упражнения озвучены профессиональными...
Grammar Essays
The manual is designed for foreign students who have acquired Russian on the first certificate level. This grammar course covers 150-180 hours in class with a teacher. The acquirement goes...
Grammar of Russian: 53 models. Basic course.
The book addresses all the foreign persons who want to acquire grammar knowledge in a short time or to fasten their grammar skills on the basic level. The...
This commented dictionary is a grammar manual which gives information about the Russian verb.
The book contains two parts: the dictionary of the syntactic accordance of the verb and the models of the...
The study of Russian, a highly inflectional language, requires a sound understanding of the use of grammatical cases, prepositions and prepositional constructions with the oblique cases. The genitive case...
Russian verbs: dictionary with notebook .
This dictionary presents Russian verbs organized in pairs in the alphabetic order under indication of their main conjugating forms and syntactical accordance....
We are similar, but we are different: Russian Reader for foreign students (advanced level).
The main topic of the present book is Russian culture and Russian mentality. The authors consider
the most...
Учебное пособие «Собранье пёстрых глав…» состоит из 25 небольших глав с заданиями коммуникативного характера, предлагающих обсудить, высказать своё мнение, своё отношение. Пособие может быть использовано...
Russian… It’s easy (for English speakers)
This course is designed for adult students, the native speakers of English, who begin to learn Russian and who want to get the first level certificate. The course...
Let's go! 1.1 Russian for adults. A course for beginners: CD for textbook and workbook
If you would like to buy the audio tracks to Poekhali, but your computer does not have a CD-drive, please contact...
This Russian course for beginners will help the foreign students to learn how to read, write and speak Russian. The book has three parts. The first part introduces Russian letters and sounds. The second...
The dictionary includes 600 grammatical terms, accepted in traditional, formal and functional description of Russian Language, which also used in Russian textbooks for foreigners. The dictionary is recommended...
Level: Beginners A2-B1
VLADIMIR-2. The textbook. The textbook sets as the purpose to learn during short period of time an oral communication in Russian, to be able to understand and to keep conversation...
Данное пособие поможет учащимся расширить свой кругозор в области таких специальностей, как международные отношения, история, политология, познакомит с научным стилем речи, на котором построен текстовый...
THE VERB IS THE BASE OF ALL. A Guide-dictionary. Issue 1. The first issue of the dictionary-directory includes 192 vocabulary entries and bases on "LEXICAL MINIMUM" of a base level of the general possession...
A story of two major centres of Russia in the middle ages, their centuries-old history and rich culture.
The supplement contains a full script in PDF format, a wide range of lexical and grammatical exercises,...
Puolan kielioppi on selkeä ja havainnollinen puolan kielen ymmärtämisen ja oikean kielenkäytön apuväline. Kielen rakenne on esitetty tiiviissä muodossa kaavioiden ja taulukoiden avulla; tarpeellista lisätietoa...
Visual materials of Russian. Part II. “How can I get to…?”
This visual material is aimed at the intensive training and drilling of the oral speech skills. It contains a set of illustrated tables, exercises...
Цель учебника - как можно скорее научить учащегося использовать нужные слова в нужной обстановке. Грамматические сведения русского языка изложены в очень простой форме с опорой на английский язык. Элементарное...