A graphic novel based on Leo Tolstoy's classic novel Anna Karenina, which takes on a new meaning through the use of visual elements and illustrations. The graphic novel tells the story of a rich and beautiful...
A gripping graphic novel, A Hero of Our Time, which is a reflection of modern reality and amazes with its relevance. It immerses us in the unpredictable world of a hero who, throughout history, overcomes...
"Crime and Punishment" is a gripping graphic novel, shrouded in an atmosphere of mystery and dark intrigue. It is based on the classic novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, which the author was able to recreate...
The graphic novel "Eugene Onegin" presents a new approach to classic literature, combining the powerful force of words with the expressive language of graphics. It opens up new horizons for lovers of art...
"Гордость и предубеждение" - увлекательный графический роман, основанный на классическом произведении Джейн Остен. История разворачивается в аристократическом обществе Англии начала XIX века и рассказывает...