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  4. Pieces for French Horn and French Horn ensembles with Piano. Piano score and part

Pieces for French Horn and French Horn ensembles with Piano. Piano score and part

Пьесы для валторны и ансамбля валторн с фортепиано. Клавир и партия
Pieces for French Horn and French Horn ensembles with Piano. Piano score and part
Année de sortie
12.00 € 10.91 € hors TVA
Livraison: 2 semaines á compter de la commande
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The name of Georgiy Ivanovich Salnikov - professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatoire, composer, assistant professor of art, honoured art worker of the Russian Federation, - is widely known in many cities of Russia and abroad.
He was born on July 12, 1923 in Moscow. Being seven he started piano studying. In 1943 Salnikov graduated from the piano faculty of the Moscow Music College at the Moscow Conservatoire.
In 1944 Salnikov began practising composition at professor M. F. Gnesina and graduated from the Gnesins College as a composer in 1947. Simultaneously he studied French horn in at V. N. Soloduyev and A. A. Shchetnikov.
In 1948 Salnikov graduated successfully from the piano faculty of the Moscow Conservatoire, where he studied at V. Sofronitsky's class.
In 1949 Salnikov continued education at the Leningrad Conservatoire at the composition class of Yu. V. Kochurov and S. S. Chishko and instrumentation class at G. P. Taranov and V. N. Salmanov.
During the period of 1953-1978 Salnikov conducted instrumentation course and wind scores reading at the Military Conductors Institute in Moscow. Already during the first years of his work there he composed several marches. Then there appeared some concert opuses - "The Russian Capriccio", "Caucasian Fantasy", "Lyrical Suite", "Heroic Ring", "Overture Bravura", "The Russian Rhapsody" for piano and wind orchestra etc.
From 1961 Salnikov was elected to the Composers Union; from 1967 he was given the assistant professor title, while from 1989 he got the rank of a professor.
In 1970 there was composed the Poem for French horn and wind orchestra. Later there were published the "Dramatic Poem-Cantata", "Letters of Front" for soprano and wind orchestra, "Lyrical Concertino" for hautboy and wind orchestra.
The next time Salnikov was researching new intonational expressive means, addressing to early music and ecclesiastic vocal manner.
He devoted more than 10 years to M. I. Glinka's creation, publishing treatises about Smolensk and Novospasskoye festivals (Glinka's birth-place). The opus "Novospasskoye" to Glinka's memory for wind orchestra appeared in 1980 as the conclusion of that long-lasting passion.
Georgy Salnikov is the author of 50 compositions for wind and symphony orchestra, piano, choir, soloists-instrumentalists and vocalists. Nowadays Salnikov carries on pedagogical, composition and scientific activity.
The represented collection of pieces for French horn and piano refers to different periods of Salnikov's creation. The Scherzo for two French horns and piano dates 2004.

A. Sukhorukov
Имя Георгия Ивановича Сальникова - композитора, заслуженного деятеля искусств России, кандидата искусствоведения, профессора Московской консерватории им. П. И. Чайковского - широко известно во многих городах нашей страны и за рубежом.
Георгий Сальников - автор более 50 произведений для духового и симфонического оркестров, фортепиано, хора, солистов-инструменталистов и вокалистов. И в настоящее время он активно занимается педагогической, композиторской и научной деятельностью.
В предлагаемый сборник пьес для валторны с фортепиано включены сочинения Г. И. Сальникова, написанные в различные периоды его творчества.


ВАЛЬС. Из юношеских тетрадей
СКЕРЦО. Для двух валторн и фортепиано
ДИФИРАМБ. Для шести валторн
Imja Georgija Ivanovicha Salnikova - kompozitora, zasluzhennogo dejatelja iskusstv Rossii, kandidata iskusstvovedenija, professora Moskovskoj konservatorii im. P. I. Chajkovskogo - shiroko izvestno vo mnogikh gorodakh nashej strany i za rubezhom.
Georgij Salnikov - avtor bolee 50 proizvedenij dlja dukhovogo i simfonicheskogo orkestrov, fortepiano, khora, solistov-instrumentalistov i vokalistov. I v nastojaschee vremja on aktivno zanimaetsja pedagogicheskoj, kompozitorskoj i nauchnoj dejatelnostju.
V predlagaemyj sbornik pes dlja valtorny s fortepiano vkljucheny sochinenija G. I. Salnikova, napisannye v razlichnye periody ego tvorchestva.


VALS. Iz junosheskikh tetradej
SKERTSO. Dlja dvukh valtorn i fortepiano
DIFIRAMB. Dlja shesti valtorn
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