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This independent magazine is published since 1923. Publishes the prose, the poetry, the literary criticism, the philosophy, the publicism, the archive materials about history and culture.
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Fundamental studies in electronics, electronic engineering materials, semiconductor devices and microelectronics, design and microprocessor equipment, high education problems.
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Rassmatrivajutsja voprosy proizvodstva i primenenija kleev i germetikov. Osoboe vnimanie udeljaetsja prakticheskim tehnologijam ispolzovanija vozmozhnostej kleevyh soedinenij v razlichnyh otrasljah promyshlennosti i dlja raznyh vidov izdelij.
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Informatsionnyj nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal. Tsel izdanija - rasprostranenie otechestvennoj i zarubezhnoj informatsii o krovelnyh, teplo-, gidro-, zvukoizoljatsionnyh materialah, tehnologijah ih proizvodstva, oborudovanii.
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The main headings are 'Physics basis', 'Methods of analysis and tests', 'Structure and characteristics of materials'.
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Aktualnye problemy natsionalnyh interesov i natsionalnoj bezopasnosti Rossii i regionov v razlichnyh sferah ekonomiki, politiki, nauki i tehniki.
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Legal problems of the use and preservation of natural environment, licensing, taxes, customs, leasing, ecology, arbitration practrices, regional legislation.
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Aktualnaja informatsija ob opyte primenenija polimernyh materialov i tendentsijah razvitija rynka.
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A monthly guide magazine on all aspects of Russian legislation. Published with the participation of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law at the Government of the Russia Federation.
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The scientific, technical and production journal executes an information link between producers and users of building materials and products in Russia, countries of "the near and far abroad".
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Official information, changes in normative and technical documentation, certification, standardization.
Rossijskaja newspaper is a socio-political newspaper founded and owned by the Russian Federation, whose editorial line reflects the views of the Russian government.
Daily newspaper and the special issue "Nedelja".
Vestnik pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Istoriya. Istoriya Russkoy pravoslavnoy tserkvi (Eng. "Bulletin of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Story. History of the Russian Orthodox Church").
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Newspaper expresses views of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Appears three times a week.
Журнал посвящен технологиям, фундаментальным и прикладным проблемам нефтегазового комплекса, анализу состояния и перспектив развития отечественного и мирового ТЭК, материалам нефтегазовых конгрессов и выставок.
Specialized analytical journal on the development of the defense industry of the Russian Federation, supplies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, development of new kinds and types of weapons.
The journal highlights the latest achievements of advanced science and technology in the field of metallurgy, heat treatment and equipment for thermal shops. The information covers new structural and functional materials based on ferrous and non-ferrous metals, powder, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant steels and alloys.
Newspaper offers official documents of military departments, writes on military training for naval officers, Russian army and navy reforms and daily routine of naval units.
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This edition for boys and girls about science, nature and travels. It gives the answers on innumerable questions. Contributes to development of working and creative experiences. Tales, comics, games will help to spend a time with pleasure.
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The journal publishes reports in the following areas: solid state physics, optics and holography applications to computers and measurement techniques: physical and applied aspects of micro- and optoelectronics.
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Voprosy chitatelej, otvety spetsialistov, konsultatsii dachnogo jurista. Kak vyrastit i sohranit urozhaj, kak podgotovitsja k novomu dachnomu sezonu.
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Collected research papers from the Mathematics Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.