Пособие "Сочи. Кавказ" рассказывает об истории, географическом положении и уникальном климате знаменитого курортного города - будущей столицы зимней Олимпиады 2014 года. К текстам для чтения относятся стихотворение А.С. Пушкина, посвящённое Кавказу, сокра щённая и адаптированная сказка М.Ю. Лермонтова "Ашик-Кериб", учебный текст "История Олимпийских игр".
A series about famous Russians and Russian geography with movies
We travel around Russia: Sochi. Caucasus
The textbook tells about the story, location and unique climate of a well-known resort - the capital of the 2014 Winter Olimpics
Sochi. The Caucasus" is a comprehensive textbook from the series "Trips to Russia." It contains a reader with texts and assignments and a DVD with a training film.
The textbook supplies information on the history, geographic position and unique climate of the famous Russian resort, the city that hosted Winter Olympic Games of 2014.
The textbook is designed for the students learning Russian (B1 level) as a foreign language. It may also be of use for the secondary school pupils.
Attention! The supplementary DVD is free of region categorization. It can be watched with any standard European player (PAL system).
Sarja henkilöistä ja maantieteestä elokuvineen
Huom! Kirjan mukana tulevan DVD: n maakoodi on vapaa, joten sitävoi toistaa tavallisella eurooppalaisella DVD-soittimella (PAL system). Se toimii myös tietokoneella.
Posobie "Sochi. Kavkaz" rasskazyvaet ob istorii, geograficheskom polozhenii i unikalnom klimate znamenitogo kurortnogo goroda - buduschej stolitsy zimnej Olimpiady 2014 goda. K tekstam dlja chtenija otnosjatsja stikhotvorenie A.S. Pushkina, posvjaschjonnoe Kavkazu, sokra schjonnaja i adaptirovannaja skazka M.Ju. Lermontova "Ashik-Kerib", uchebnyj tekst "Istorija Olimpijskikh igr".