Интенсивный учебник для начинающих (элементарный уровень А1). Часть 1 рассчитана на 80-120 часов. Удачно совмещены грамматический и коммуникативный подходы.
Словарь включает перевод лексики с русского на английский, немецкий и французский языки. Иллюстрации, таблицы.
18-е, стереотипное издание
Новый тираж по коду 978-5-907123-06-9
SOLD OUT. Replaced with the new edition 9785907123007
Stanislav Tjernisjov
Let's go! Russian gor adults. A course for beginners.
Level: A1
This course is intended for beginners . It is designed for 80-120 hours and provides fast adoption of the language at elementary level. The communicative and grammatical approaches have been combined successfully in this textbook. The dictionary includes translations into English, German and French.
Skills: Grammar and communication
Translation: English, German, French - vocabulary
18th edition
PAINOS LOPPUI! uusi painos 9785907123007
Stanislav Tjernisjov
Level: A1
This course is intended for beginners . It is designed for 80-120 hours and provides fast adoption of the language at elementary level. The communicative and grammatical approaches have been combined successfully in this textbook. The dictionary includes translations into English, German and French.
10th edition.
Skills: Grammar and communication
18. painos
Intensivnyj uchebnik dlja nachinajuschikh (elementarnyj uroven A1). Chast 1 rasschitana na 80-120 chasov. Udachno sovmescheny grammaticheskij i kommunikativnyj podkhody.
Slovar vkljuchaet perevod leksiki s russkogo na anglijskij, nemetskij i frantsuzskij jazyki. Illjustratsii, tablitsy.
18-e, stereotipnoe izdanie
Novyj tirazh po kodu 978-5-907123-06-9