А.Лемменс. С.Стоммельс.. Русские художники и детская книга 1890-1992
Исследование написано на английском языке. Книга издана в комплекте с компакт-диском, на котором размещены иллюстрации, - материал сгруппирован по художникам. Печать полноцветная; помимо основного текста, имеется 1100 иллюстраций, все - из личной коллекции авторов.
512 pages, full color with over 1100 images. CD included with thousands of additional images!
Written and privately published by Albert Lemmens and Serge Stommels in The Netherlands. The main goal of Russian Artists and the Children's Book 1890-1992 is to present an overview of illustrations for children's books by Russian artists. Therefore, the emphasis lies on the artists and not on the authors. Many Russian artists, even the most famous, worked as illustrators for children's books. In part one a chronological survey of the illustrated Russian children's book is positioned within its historical context. In the second part seventeen artists are portrayed. A description of their life and work is given and the position of illustrations for children's books within their oeuvre is discussed.
512 pages, full color with over 1100 images. CD included with thousands of additional images!
Written and privately published by Albert Lemmens and Serge Stommels in The Netherlands. The main goal of Russian Artists and the Children's Book 1890-1992 is to present an overview of illustrations for children's books by Russian artists. Therefore, the emphasis lies on the artists and not on the authors. Many Russian artists, even the most famous, worked as illustrators for children's books. In part one a chronological survey of the illustrated Russian children's book is positioned within its historical context. In the second part seventeen artists are portrayed. A description of their life and work is given and the position of illustrations for children's books within their oeuvre is discussed.
A.Lemmens. S.Stommels.. Russkie khudozhniki i detskaja kniga 1890-1992
Issledovanie napisano na anglijskom jazyke. Kniga izdana v komplekte s kompakt-diskom, na kotorom razmescheny illjustratsii, - material sgruppirovan po khudozhnikam. Pechat polnotsvetnaja; pomimo osnovnogo teksta, imeetsja 1100 illjustratsij, vse - iz lichnoj kollektsii avtorov.