This book is a study of the operational centre of tsar Nicholas II's secret police (the Okhrana or okhranka) during the peak of its activities and notoriety. This book emphasises the contrast between attempts to create a rational bureaucratic surveillance machine and the unpredictable human factor in espionage. It examines the social and political friction aroused by the Okhrana during Russia's turbulent first constitutional experiment.
This book is a study of the operational centre of tsar Nicholas II's secret police (the Okhrana or okhranka) during the peak of its activities and notoriety. This book emphasises the contrast between attempts to create a rational bureaucratic surveillance machine and the unpredictable human factor in espionage. It examines the social and political friction aroused by the Okhrana during Russia's turbulent first constitutional experiment.
Mielenkiintoinen tutkimus Venäjän keisarillisen suojeluspoliisin eli ohranan maineesta, tavoitteista, rakenteesta ja toiminnasta. Ohranan toiminta voidaan osoittaa voimaltaan vähäisemmäksi ja rakenteeltaan hajanaisemmaksi kuin ennen on luultu. Tässä teoksessa suojeluspoliisin toiminta sidotaan myös yleiseurooppalaisen historian kontekstiin, joten se avautuu lukijalle laajempana kuin vain ahtaan venäläisenä ilmiönä.
This book is a study of the operational centre of tsar Nicholas II's secret police (the Okhrana or okhranka) during the peak of its activities and notoriety. This book emphasises the contrast between attempts to create a rational bureaucratic surveillance machine and the unpredictable human factor in espionage. It examines the social and political friction aroused by the Okhrana during Russia's turbulent first constitutional experiment.