The Case Against Noam Chomsky and Mental Processing, volumes one and two of A Biological Philosophy, are about philosophy, cognitive psychology, and linguistics. The first volume presents the theory of speech as interpretation of feelings and language as a social practice. In linguistics this distinction has not been made leading to great confusion in the science. The second volume describes how feelings are created in mental processes (complex, high-speed neural processes) as a function of an individual (unconsciously and consciously) interpreting himself in relation to the environment. - The first volume is presented as a case against Chomsky in view of Chomsky's theories offering a complete contrast to the ideas of a biological philosophy in all its aspects.
The Case Against Noam Chomsky and Mental Processing, volumes one and two of A Biological Philosophy, are about philosophy, cognitive psychology, and linguistics. The first volume presents the theory of speech as interpretation of feelings and language as a social practice. In linguistics this distinction has not been made leading to great confusion in the science. The second volume describes how feelings are created in mental processes (complex, high-speed neural processes) as a function of an individual (unconsciously and consciously) interpreting himself in relation to the environment. - The first volume is presented as a case against Chomsky in view of Chomsky's theories offering a complete contrast to the ideas of a biological philosophy in all its aspects.
Kirjasarjan osat The Case Against Noam Chomsky ja Mental Processing muodostavat A Biological Philosophy -kirjakokonaisuuden, joka käsittelee filosofiaa, psykologiaa ja kielitiedettä, sekä niitä biologisia ja sosiaalisia prosesseja, joiden tuloksena ihminen puhuu.
Ensimmäisessä osassa esitetään Hellevigin uusi teoria kielestä, tai oikeammin puheesta, tunteiden tulkintana (speech as interpretation of feelings). Samalla korostetaan, että kieli sinänsä on yhteiskunnallinen käytäntö (language as a social practice). Tähän asti kielitieteessä ei ole tehty selvää eroa näiden välillä, ja tämä on johtanut suureen sekaannukseen kielitieteen ja filosofian aloilla. - Kirjan toisessa osassa käsittellään sitä, miten tunteet muodostuvat monimutkaisissa ja huippunopeissa hermoston prosesseissa, jotka ihmisen biologia tuottaa tulkitessaan olemassaoloaan ympäristössä (a biological theory for cognitive psychology).
Kirjan nimeksi on valittu The Case Against Noam Chomsky, koska Chomskyn teoriat tarjoavat täydellisen vastapainon Hellevigin biologiselle filosofialle kaikessa oleellisessa.
The Case Against Noam Chomsky and Mental Processing, volumes one and two of A Biological Philosophy, are about philosophy, cognitive psychology, and linguistics. The first volume presents the theory of speech as interpretation of feelings and language as a social practice. In linguistics this distinction has not been made leading to great confusion in the science. The second volume describes how feelings are created in mental processes (complex, high-speed neural processes) as a function of an individual (unconsciously and consciously) interpreting himself in relation to the environment. - The first volume is presented as a case against Chomsky in view of Chomsky's theories offering a complete contrast to the ideas of a biological philosophy in all its aspects.