Словарь состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых посвящен отдельной части речи: глаголу, существительному, прилагательному и наречию. Словарь включает толкование более 1000 слов и имеет целью показать разницу в значении и употреблении близких по значению слов, синонимов и паронимов.
The present practical manual is designed for the foreign students, who learn Russian as a foreign language. The material of the book is based on the lexical minimum needed for the basic level of mastering Russian as a foreign language.
The dictionary is divided into four parts. Every part is dedicated to a special grammar topic: verb, noun, adjective and adverb. The dictionary explains the meaning of more than 1000 words. These are words with similar meanings the foreign students could find difficult to understand.
The comments of the book include a detailed description of the given words and their comparison. Some comments are supplied with illustrations from the Russian literature. Many comments have idioms. This makes them interesting.
Slovar sostoit iz chetyrekh razdelov, kazhdyj iz kotorykh posvjaschen otdelnoj chasti rechi: glagolu, suschestvitelnomu, prilagatelnomu i narechiju. Slovar vkljuchaet tolkovanie bolee 1000 slov i imeet tselju pokazat raznitsu v znachenii i upotreblenii blizkikh po znacheniju slov, sinonimov i paronimov.