Цель пособия - формирование и развитие языковых навыков и умений, необходимых учащимися для совершенствования их языковой компетенции на этапе перехода от 1 ко 2 сертификационному уровню. Первая часть посвящена работе над лексическим материалом, во второй части отрабатывается грамматический материал.
Russian not only for students 1. Manual for foreign students. (Intermediate level)
The main aim of this manual is the development of speaking skills. Students of I and II certificate levels of Russian are the target group. The first part of the book is dedicated to the work on the lexical material, in the second part the grammar material is trained and drilled.
Russian not only for students 1. Manual for foreign students. (Intermediate level)
The main aim of this manual is the development of speaking skills. Students of I and II certificate levels of Russian are the target group. The first part of the book is dedicated to the work on the lexical material, in the second part the grammar material is trained and drilled.
Tsel posobija - formirovanie i razvitie jazykovykh navykov i umenij, neobkhodimykh uchaschimisja dlja sovershenstvovanija ikh jazykovoj kompetentsii na etape perekhoda ot 1 ko 2 sertifikatsionnomu urovnju. Pervaja chast posvjaschena rabote nad leksicheskim materialom, vo vtoroj chasti otrabatyvaetsja grammaticheskij material.