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  4. Вокализы итальянских композиторов XVII-XVIII и учителей пения. Для среднего голоса и фортепиано.

Вокализы итальянских композиторов XVII-XVIII и учителей пения. Для среднего голоса и фортепиано.

Вокализы итальянских композиторов XVII-XVIII и учителей пения. Для среднего голоса и фортепиано.
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Представленные в данном сборнике вокализы были найдены композитором и преподавателем пения Витторио Риччи, впоследствии сочинившим к ним фортепианную партию, и опубликованы в Лондоне в 1912 году Джозефом Вильямсом. Глубокая музыкальная насыщенность материала позволяет отнести эти вокализы к стилю antichi итальянской школы XVII-XVIII в противоположность стилю moderni с присущей ему поверхностной витруозностью и техничностью. Вокализы старинных итльянских мастеров и сегодня помогут обрести уверенность и мастерство техники bel canto, столь необходимые в искусстве пения.
The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the vocalises by the Italian composers and vocal teachers of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII centuries.
These distinguished patterns of the Italian vocal school growing were found by the composer and singing-master Vittorio Ricci, who subsequently wrote the piano part to them.
In 1912 the vocalises were published in London by Joseph Williams. The music of the material is so very deeply saturated and ашрlе, as to refer these vocalises to the style "antichi" of the Italian school of the XVII-XVIII centuries, unlike the "moderni" style with the superficial virtuosity and technique, inherent to it.
Hopefully the old Italian masters' vocalises will help you to acquire self-confidence and inspiration, really necessary attributes of the bel canto manner and the whole art of singing even in the age of the new rhythms and intonations.
The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the vocalises by the Italian composers and vocal teachers of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII centuries.
These distinguished patterns of the Italian vocal school growing were found by the composer and singing-master Vittorio Ricci, who subsequently wrote the piano part to them.
In 1912 the vocalises were published in London by Joseph Williams. The music of the material is so very deeply saturated and ашрlе, as to refer these vocalises to the style "antichi" of the Italian school of the XVII-XVIII centuries, unlike the "moderni" style with the superficial virtuosity and technique, inherent to it.
Hopefully the old Italian masters' vocalises will help you to acquire self-confidence and inspiration, really necessary attributes of the bel canto manner and the whole art of singing even in the age of the new rhythms and intonations.
Predstavlennye v dannom sbornike vokalizy byli najdeny kompozitorom i prepodavatelem penija Vittorio Richchi, vposledstvii sochinivshim k nim fortepiannuju partiju, i opublikovany v Londone v 1912 godu Dzhozefom Viljamsom. Glubokaja muzykalnaja nasyschennost materiala pozvoljaet otnesti eti vokalizy k stilju antichi italjanskoj shkoly XVII-XVIII v protivopolozhnost stilju moderni s prisuschej emu poverkhnostnoj vitruoznostju i tekhnichnostju. Vokalizy starinnykh itljanskikh masterov i segodnja pomogut obresti uverennost i masterstvo tekhniki bel canto, stol neobkhodimye v iskusstve penija.