Сергей Викторович Екимов (р. 1974) - композитор, дирижер, член Союза композиторов России и Союза концертных деятелей Санкт-Петербурга, арт-директор Международного фестиваля хорового искусства "Поющий мир", художественный руководитель и дирижер Женского хора дирижерско-хорового отдела Санкт-Петербургского музыкального колледжа имени Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, художественный руководитель Концертного хора Университета культуры и искусств, заведующий отделом концертной практики и концертных программ Университета, доцент кафедры Академического хора факультета искусств Университета.
Magnificat anima mea Domine - "Величит душа моя Господа" - был написан в 2006-2007 годах для совместных концертов Киевской хоровой капеллы мальчиков и юношей "Звоночек" и Женского хора Санкт-Петербургского музыкального колледжа имени Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, приуроченных к юбилею основания коллективов.
Мировая премьера Магнификата состоялась на Международном хоровом фестивале "Поет весенний Киев" 8 мая 2007 года под управлением автора в Кафедральном католическом костеле Киева, а российская - 1 августа того же года в Государственной академической капелле им. М. И. Глинки в рамках V Международного фестиваля хорового искусства "Поющий мир" под управлением руководителя хора мальчиков и юношей "Звоночек" Рубена Толмачева.
Sergei Yekimov (*1974) - composer, conductor, member of the Russia Composers' Union and Concert Workers' Union of St. Petersburg, art director of the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World", art director and conductor of the Women's Choir at the Choir-Conducting Department of the St. Petersburg N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Music College, art director of the Concert Choir of the Culture and Arts' University, head of the concert practice and concert programmes department of the University.
The composition "Magnificat anima mea Domine" ("Let my soul praise thee, my lord") refers to 2006 -2007. It was conceived for mutual concerts of the Kiev Youths and Boys Kapelle "Zvonochek" ["Little Bell"] and the Women's Choir of the St. Petersburg N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Music College. All the concerts were timed to the jubilee of these groups, their establishment.
The world premiиre conducted by the composer himself took place in the Kiev Cathedral Church on May 8, 2007 at the International Choir Festival "Spring Kiev Sings". The first performance in Russia dates August 1 of the same year. It was the State academic M. I. Glinka Kapelle at the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World" conducted by Ruben Tolmachyov, director of the youths choir "Zvonochek".
Sergei Yekimov (*1974) - composer, conductor, member of the Russia Composers' Union and Concert Workers' Union of St. Petersburg, art director of the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World", art director and conductor of the Women's Choir at the Choir-Conducting Department of the St. Petersburg N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Music College, art director of the Concert Choir of the Culture and Arts' University, head of the concert practice and concert programmes department of the University.
The composition "Magnificat anima mea Domine" ("Let my soul praise thee, my lord") refers to 2006 -2007. It was conceived for mutual concerts of the Kiev Youths and Boys Kapelle "Zvonochek" ["Little Bell"] and the Women's Choir of the St. Petersburg N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Music College. All the concerts were timed to the jubilee of these groups, their establishment.
The world premiиre conducted by the composer himself took place in the Kiev Cathedral Church on May 8, 2007 at the International Choir Festival "Spring Kiev Sings". The first performance in Russia dates August 1 of the same year. It was the State academic M. I. Glinka Kapelle at the International Choral Art Festival "The Singing World" conducted by Ruben Tolmachyov, director of the youths choir "Zvonochek".
Sergej Viktorovich Ekimov (r. 1974) - kompozitor, dirizher, chlen Sojuza kompozitorov Rossii i Sojuza kontsertnykh dejatelej Sankt-Peterburga, art-direktor Mezhdunarodnogo festivalja khorovogo iskusstva "Pojuschij mir", khudozhestvennyj rukovoditel i dirizher Zhenskogo khora dirizhersko-khorovogo otdela Sankt-Peterburgskogo muzykalnogo kolledzha imeni N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova, khudozhestvennyj rukovoditel Kontsertnogo khora Universiteta kultury i iskusstv, zavedujuschij otdelom kontsertnoj praktiki i kontsertnykh programm Universiteta, dotsent kafedry Akademicheskogo khora fakulteta iskusstv Universiteta.
Magnificat anima mea Domine - "Velichit dusha moja Gospoda" - byl napisan v 2006-2007 godakh dlja sovmestnykh kontsertov Kievskoj khorovoj kapelly malchikov i junoshej "Zvonochek" i Zhenskogo khora Sankt-Peterburgskogo muzykalnogo kolledzha imeni N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova, priurochennykh k jubileju osnovanija kollektivov.
Mirovaja premera Magnifikata sostojalas na Mezhdunarodnom khorovom festivale "Poet vesennij Kiev" 8 maja 2007 goda pod upravleniem avtora v Kafedralnom katolicheskom kostele Kieva, a rossijskaja - 1 avgusta togo zhe goda v Gosudarstvennoj akademicheskoj kapelle im. M. I. Glinki v ramkakh V Mezhdunarodnogo festivalja khorovogo iskusstva "Pojuschij mir" pod upravleniem rukovoditelja khora malchikov i junoshej "Zvonochek" Rubena Tolmacheva.