Реквием для четырех голосов, ансамбля старинных инструментов, подготовленного фортепиано и метронома написан Александром Поповым в 1989 году. Премьера состоялась в 1993-м, на фестивале "Музыкальная весна в Санкт-Петербурге".
До Реквиема в списке сочинений Александра Попова появились концерт "Passion", Sinfonia Brevis, вокальный цикл "О жизни и смерти" на стихи анонимных итальянских поэтов Возрождения. После - Sinfonia da camera памяти Джироламо Фрескобальди, части которой носят названия "Мадригал" и "Ричеркар", "Теория аффектов" для инструментального ансамбля, камерная кантата для контратенора и октета на народные славянские тексты о Страшном суде и концерт для скрипки и ансамбля инструментов "Утопия".
Alexander Georgiyevich Popov (born in 1957) is the Petersburgian composer, author of symphonic compositions, chamber-instrumental and vocal music.
Alexander Popov tries to solve the problem of relations between the Human Being and the Time in different aspects of this word's meaning, i. e. the course of time and its perception, concentration and rarefaction, accelerations and stops. Thus all these relations grow at last to the contiguity between the Time and the Eternity on the one hand and between the Human Being and cultural heritage (including musical one) nowadays. The composer resorts to various cultural traditions, e. g. the European Middle Ages, the Rennaissance, the Oriental Nirvana music and ecclesiastic Armenian music. Popov is the laureate of the "International Tribune of Composers" (Paris, 1995). Among his works there are the silent film "Earth" (produced by Alexander Dovzhenko), which the composer wrote music to and "Johan" (produced by Moris Stiller), ordered by the German TV programme ZDF/ARTE.
The Requiem for four voices, authentic instruments, prepared piano and metronome was composed by Alexander Popov in 1989. Its first performance took place in 1993 at the festival "Petersburg Music Spring".
Those were the concerto "Passion", Sinfonia Brevis, vocal cycle to the anonymous Italian Renaissance poets "About Life and Death" to have appeared before the Requiem. Then there followed Sinfonia da camera dedicated to Girolamo Frescobaldi's memory (the movements of which are called "Madrigal" and "Ricercare"), "Theory of Affectation" for instrumental ensemble, Chamber cantata "W" for contra tenor and octet to the folk Slavonic texts about the Doomsday and the Concerto for violin and instrumental "Utopia".
Aleksandr Popov laati vuonna 1989 partituurin pianon ja tahtimittarin avulla, josta muodostui neljän varhaissoittimen kokoonpanon rekviemi. Ensi-ilta järjestettiin vuonna 1993 Musiikillinen kevät Pietarissa - festivaalilla. Ennen rekviemiä Aleksandr Popovin sävellysten listalle olivat ilmestyneet Passion - konsertti, Sinfonia Brevis, laulusykli Elämästä ja kuolemasta, jonka sanoitukset olivat peräisin italialaisilta Uudelleensyntymä - runoilijoilta.
Myöhemmin ilmestyneitä olivat: Sinfonia da camera - GirolamoFrescobaldin muistoksi, jonka osat ovat nimeltään Madrigal ja Richercar, Mieltymysten teoria instrumentaalikokoonpanolle, kamari kantaatti kontratenoria varten ja oktetto Slaavilaisille teksteille Hirvittävästä tuomiosta sekä viulun ja orkesterin konsertti nimeltä Utopia.
Rekviem dlja chetyrekh golosov, ansamblja starinnykh instrumentov, podgotovlennogo fortepiano i metronoma napisan Aleksandrom Popovym v 1989 godu. Premera sostojalas v 1993-m, na festivale "Muzykalnaja vesna v Sankt-Peterburge".
Do Rekviema v spiske sochinenij Aleksandra Popova pojavilis kontsert "Passion", Sinfonia Brevis, vokalnyj tsikl "O zhizni i smerti" na stikhi anonimnykh italjanskikh poetov Vozrozhdenija. Posle - Sinfonia da camera pamjati Dzhirolamo Freskobaldi, chasti kotoroj nosjat nazvanija "Madrigal" i "Richerkar", "Teorija affektov" dlja instrumentalnogo ansamblja, kamernaja kantata dlja kontratenora i okteta na narodnye slavjanskie teksty o Strashnom sude i kontsert dlja skripki i ansamblja instrumentov "Utopija".